View Full Version : Absolutely paranoid!

06-10-09, 21:37
Good Evening,

I hope that health anxiety is not getting to you too much this evening. I have been on and off this site for months, and found it to be incredibly helpful through coping with health anxiety.

I have a few symptoms that I wanted to check with anyone on here who may have had similar.

For the past 2 months I have had an achy jaw where the tm joint is, a kind of blocked feeling in the ear on that side, and sometimes the feeling that my glands on that side want to come up but don't, just a slight tender feeling on and off there. I have what looks like a 2nd wisdom tooth coming through that same side (as I already have 1 there). I went to the dentist yesterday for a check up and he confirmed that the tooth is pretty much through however I can see another 3 points of a tooth poking through next to it, he did not mention this one! As I have had achiness on that side he did a x-ray to make sure that the wisdom tooth has come through ok at the root. I am petrified as to what he may see from the x-ray, and have to wait 2 weeks to go back to have some filings done and also a month guard made as the dentist says that I must grind my teeth at night as they are very worn down at the front. This does make sense as I suppose it could also be causing the jaw ache.

To top all of this off, I have had a tickly feeling on and off in the right hand side of my throat since October last year, it has not got worse but is very annoying as I cannot stop thinking about it, I seem to spend my whole life trying to get it to go away.

I am 24 and being consumed by health anxiety. If anyone has experienced any of the above I would love to hear from you.

Many Thanks in advance,


PS I am currently have CBT and have been having it since June.

06-10-09, 22:46
Hi Ali,

Before I read further into your post I thought "teeth-grinding"!! I suffered with this and I had to get a contraption to wear during the night!! My jaws ached on a daily basis and I couldn't understand why but the teeth-grinding was the culprit. I was convinced I had some deep-seated abcess in my throat!! That has settled down now. The tickly throat you may be getting could simply be catarrh - I honestly don't think it's anything serious. When you are anxious you will be more aware of it. When anxious we over analyze every ache and pain and exaggerate it and then wind ourselves up about it - I've been there!! I know it's difficult but try and relax and accept that most of our aches and pains are harmless. I hope you feel better soon.

06-10-09, 23:02
Hi Myra,

Thank you very much for your thought and advice, I very much appreciate your response! The tickle in the throat went when i had a very bad cold and cough recently and that was a relief, however since the cold has gone, the tickle is back and if i'm honet it does feel like there is constantly cattarh sitting there but I cab't move it! It doe get better when I am very relaxed. It seems mad that teeth grinding would ache so much but I can kind of see why! I hope that you are good at the moment.

Take care,
