View Full Version : Need some advice, don't know where to turn

07-10-09, 00:36
I was seeing a therapist for around a year, finished my EMDR therapy 5-6 months ago for PTSD, I now havn't got that. I still suffer really bad panic attacks and have been agoraphobic because of them for nearly two years. In the last 5 months myself and my therapist worked on getting me out and about and I was making progress, my therapist left her job 3 weeks ago, and I am not entitled to anymore help. I have really been struggling with my anxiety, I have been going out but only very short distances, I feel that I'm slipping back, contacted NHS, helplines, Organisations for help, but am not getting anywhere! really do not know what to do, who to turn to and It's really getting to me. Has anybody with anxiety probs had this situation, does anybody have any suggestions for me, feels like I am constantly battling thease panic attacks-agorphobia, and now on my own, I'm losing.....

07-10-09, 09:15
Hello Louise,
Have you phoned the "No Panic" organisation? They run one to one mentoring sessions and also group sessions (by phone). There is a waiting list but once you join them the sessions are free. (yearly membership fee only about £12). They have a helpline as well which you can use without being a member.
Claire weekes books are also excellent, but you may already have them. If not they are available through the shop on here.
I believe that you can also get CBT courses free online. I'm sure someone on here can give you more details.
Hope this helps a bit.

07-10-09, 09:48
I wish I had some advice for you on where to find help. Im not in your country so I don't really know anything about your medical system.. It sounds like your in a lot of distress so maybe if you went or phoned (if going is too hard for you thats okay I understand) your local hospital and they can put you in contact with some organisations or people who can help you.

Just take it one moment at a time keeping in mind what your therapist has already taught you. This site is also a great help. Just letting it all out and knowing your not alone. I know its a small help when your in the middle of a crisis but its still a help.


07-10-09, 10:59
hi, my therapist left not long ago as well and i have the same problem, my doc said that he thinks that the online beating the blues course will help me alot so i am going to give it ago. here is a link if you want to give it a go to http://www.beatingtheblues.co.uk/
hope it helps x

07-10-09, 11:04
Hi Louise & Twizle:)
Twizle - That site looks good but does a gp have to give you the activation code to be able to use it? It does look a good site.
Louise -
Have you considered going to your gp, explaining how you are feeling, and seeing what he or she recommends?
Your therapist left - what did she suggest to you before she left,about continuing with therapy? Was it NHS funded?
I am sure that if it was NHS funded and you are still having difficulties that your gp can get you further help without a set time limit for therapy.
You say you can only walk short distances - however that is still an achievement for someone with agoraphobia.
I am sorry for how you feel. I too have agoraphobia - sometimes worse than others and at the moment its really bad. I have come to the conclusion that eventually it is only me alone and self help that is ever going to get over this awful phobia by facing it constantly and never giving in.
I have to go out today alone and dreading it. I feel sick already and feel like I am going to stop breathing. I have got my MP3 ready because that is the only way I can get out by listening to music :wacko:
I hope you can get further help. :hugs:Dont give in!

07-10-09, 15:02
Thank you for all the messages, thank god somebody else feels the same as me! Thank you for the advice, and I will have a look on the website suggested, and contact me GP again for further help. I know this may sound funny, but I laughed at PoppyC about the MP3 player, its the only way I can go out! I do the same, It distracts me, or I sing! The things you do to try and overcome thease awful panic attacks! and nobody can understand how awful they are unless you have experienced them, thank you for making me realise I am not alone, others are in the same situation, like twizle. Sometimes it just seems so hard to cope with, and everyday seems a battle to go out, and get better, you feel like your going crazy! you don't know whether to laugh or cry! I get awful sickness when I out to, just thinking about it! and dizzy, and palpatations! Does anybody feel when your actually out and the anxiety is starting to kick in, like they can't move? they are rooted to the spot?