View Full Version : Good Morning Everyone

07-10-09, 07:55
:)Hello everyone

Was surfing the net as you do first thing in the morning!! and came across this site. Seems like it's going to be really helpful. So nice to see so many people on the site. You tend to think there's only you with problems:huh:

I suffer from depression, anxiety and am really quite obsessive.

Have decided that I'm fed up and taking antidepressants - probably a stupid idea:wacko:. I wanted to know what it feels like to be tablet free.

Anyway, having a bit of a rough time, it's only been a couple of weeks, but I'm really trying hard!

Hope the site will help

Catherine x

07-10-09, 07:59
Hi zippy338

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
08-10-09, 08:38
:welcome:Catherine. Glad that you have found us.
