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View Full Version : Agoraphobia - Tips needed to help

07-10-09, 11:15
I am due to go out on my own this afternoon and although I have had my citalopram, my anxiety about going out is going through the roof.
I feel sick, can't breathe, want to cry, but I am not giving in otherwise I am going to go mad stuck in this house turning into a hermit.
I don't have my safe person to go with and cannot call either so I am totally alone today.
I listen to music when out which helps mostly but sometimes it doesn't always help.
Does anyone have any tips that they find helps when out on their own which work well for them?

07-10-09, 13:46
Can't go. I have tried and tried and done everything positive there is to do and think about and it is not working. What do you do when nothing seems to work?
Cried all my make up off. I am turning into a hermit. I hate agoraphobia!!!!!!!!! :weep:

07-10-09, 14:18
Oh poppy sorry I didn't see this earlier. I in the same position as yourself in that I'm trying to get myself out after barely leaving the house for almost a year or so.

Don't write off the day just yet as it's only just gone 2 and there is still the rest of the day left. Is there anyone later on who could help? I found that having a natter in the chat room helped build me up so I was able to get out for 5 minutes. I usually talk to myself in my head about all manner of things in an attempt to distract myself or smoke and say- once this fag is done I'm going in.

07-10-09, 14:18

It's better to take little steps hun rather than big strides.
Try to build up your safe zone, once you feel comfortable then you can extend it a little further and so on. It really is difficult hun because i am the exact same.

Keep up the good work and never loose that determination!
Big hugs

07-10-09, 14:54
Hi Poppy,
Lisa is right, baby steps is working for me. Not too long ago I was stuck in the house and hating my life. I started going round the block with my dad in the car, I did it over and over again until the panic faded. I then went a bit further and repeated the whole process until Im now going round a busy roundabout. Yesterday I went into Somerfield, alone. Walked up the first aisle, had a little chat with three shoppers and then waited in a queue and chatted with the assistant. All's I bought was two bars of chocolate and a packet of nuts and it took me fifteen minutes but I did it and will keep doing it till I am completely comfortable with it and then I will go further into the shop...of course if I keep buying chocolate bars and nuts I may not fit through the door of the shop!!!
Hope this is a help to you, good luck and remember every little helps.
Take care
Carol x

07-10-09, 16:54
Thanks for all the replies. :)
I just feel really down now because I gave in and didn't go.
I got so stressed I really thought I was going to have a stroke or a heart attack. My whole body was so tense, my heart was racing,I was so upset and I thought I would stop breathing.
Somedays I feel like the agoraphobia is going and I am really positive and then other days I feel like I am destined to never the leave the house again without someone being with me forever. :scared15:
What gets me down is that I keep thinking what if I am like this for the rest of my life. Its that thought that depresses me but then I know I should think Maybe I wont be like this for life, but on days like gloomy today, I think even pensioners are having more life than me!:weep:
I appreciate your replies and have taken in what you all recommended.
I am going to try again tomorrow and will let you know how I get on.

09-10-09, 11:48
Hi Poppy,
Please let me know how you get on as I never thought I would have agoraphobia but now I am realising I do as I havnt been our for weeks! Because my anxiety has gotten real bad so not sure how to do this ...
Hopefully if you even go to the end of the street it will be something - thats what I keep telling myself but keep putting it off too..

Good luck :)



13-10-09, 17:36
hello poppy,,dont get upset with yourself,,i know you can do this,,you went out on your own the other day,,why dont you just do what you feel comfy with,,if thats just walking six steps outside,,thats ok,,every little counts with this battle we,re rage-ing . keep your chin up,,tomorrow will be better, theresa x

13-10-09, 18:47
Hi Teez and Cathy
Thanks for messages.
I did manage to go out on my own yesterday, without any support, just there and back listening to music. The listening to music really helps. I was exhausted when I got back - I think it was all the stress before I went. It was worth it though.
I find the noise of passing traffic really stresses me out.
Cathy - Just take little steps like Teez suggests. It does help.
I know that if I don't go out at all and give into agoraphobia, then I could end up housebound and I can't let that happen.
I don't feel so alone with all your support so big hugs to you.:hugs:

16-10-09, 20:29
hi poppy im agraphobic also had it for 4 years and yip its a big strain on my life so can fully understand you. Think yes small steps are better than no steps at all. As with many things in life it feels like a uphill struggle but it u want to succeed u will. Good luck and know that even when u feel alone u never are cause i believe angels are allways with us. This may help xx

16-10-09, 23:55
Hey, well done on getting out poppy, ive had agoraphobia for 5 years now and im scared to be left alone without my husband he is my safe person and no one else works either, but i manage to drive my car now with my husband with me, i can go into the local village shop with him, and stand in the que (sometimes) depending how i am feeling. i never thought i would get this far, and it takes a LONG time, but you will get there. im going to get a mp3 player so i can listen to music when i go for a walk, i find walking really hard as im scared im going to faint and my legs feel like jelly. :ohmy:

17-10-09, 16:03
well done katy ,,,your doing so well ,,any trips outside are all good ,,even if we,ve had a rough time,,keep up the good work,,love theresa :hugs:

18-10-09, 00:21
do you take anything to help with your agrophobia i started with a panik attack two months ago and it has developed into agrophobia my partner is my safety person but we have three children and we cant even get him to school his grandad is taking him i can go to the corner shopon a good day with help of diazepam and can sit at my parents for a short period. it is really getting me down as i feel everyone around me is suffering because of me so any advice on meds that have helped or natural remedies or even ways of thinking that have helped wil be appreciated. as soon as i get a certain distance my head starts to sway to the left then i flush hot feel sick my heart starts beating and then the panick sets in. x

18-10-09, 13:48
i,ll just refer to you as ic as im never gonna remember it all,,And i cant hand out many tips to you as im going through the same things ,,,but what i do find that helps me,,if i have to go to do a main shop,,is i really concentrate on the job at hand,,in other words what we need for the week,,i also reward myself ,,it sounds daft but it work,,if ive done well i get a treat,,I also think forward ,,like well i,ll get this done and i,ll soon get home,,and i picture home and how i feel sat there in the evenings,,it works on the main,,others of us take music out, mobiles help,if you text someone helps you to think of something else,,and stop being so hard on your self its not your fault ,,stress has done this to you,,and everyone gets stress,,plus i think only the nicest caring people suffer like us hard people just dont care ,,not much comfort i know , but we,re all here for you :hugs:

18-10-09, 14:32
Hey Poppy,

I don't suffer from agrophobia, but I do suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder, and there have been many times when I have felt scared to leave the house. Please don't give up, and don't get angry with yourself for not succeeding. The only way you will ever deal with your anxiety is to face your fears, but know this is so much easier said than done. You just have to try and take little steps, and build on those. Just because you don't always succeed doesn't mean you are a failure. Please, never give up hope.

I wish you the best of luck
