View Full Version : Head tingling sensations

07-10-09, 11:21
Hi all

Am getting a little bit worried, say annoyed with this new sensation i am getting. Every so often, sometimes as regular as 5 minutes apart, I get these sensations where my head feels like it tightens a bit followed by tingling sensations all over my head. They start from around the back/left hand side, but the tingling goes all over. Sometimes it makes me nausious and light headed, sometimes it makes me feel faint, most times they make me yawn heavily after and feel tired for a bit

I'm hoping its just something to do with my insomnia/migraines that I get, but of course, only having experienced these for a few days it's something new to worry about.

My blood pressure is fine whenever its monitored, and I know migraines are thought to be where blood vessels contract then expand, so hopefully it's this!

07-10-09, 17:11
I've had that - I think a symptom of anxiety.

07-10-09, 18:37
Yes i have it too mainly down one side of my head for a few seconds must just be anxiety had it for 6 years and no brain tumour or stroke or anything

07-10-09, 21:27
yeah i get these too due to anxiety

07-10-09, 22:20
yes me too. ive had it...really weird sensation...try not to dwell on it too much it will pass..x

07-10-09, 22:23
Yip, I get these too just another pesky symtom of anxiety I think.

I was reading somewhere yesterday that its often the case that people with brain tumours usually find out about them fairly late on because there are so few symtoms at first untill they become really bad.

So if all these weird sensations that some off us have been having for years really were brain tumours we'd all be long gone by now!!

I'm no doc so if anyone is worried first port of call should be your GP.

07-10-09, 23:20
Hi, I get these too, totally freaked out the first time it happened but I have now become accustomed to it just being another symptom of anxiety, try not to worry

08-10-09, 00:57

I get these to, i used to be so scared of them but the more worried i was the more i had them.

I no its hard but try not to worry to much about them and u will find they go away eventually, or not nearly as bad

love mandie x

andrea thompson
08-10-09, 01:36
hi hon, i dont suffer much now, but in the past i used to get a tingling in my head ... sometimes fealt like someone was sticking a pin in to my scalp... used to really freak me out,, but now i just think of it as a sign of stress.... it will get better though.... try not to worry... x x

26-10-09, 11:17
I have this right now along with a feeling that my pulse is pounding in my head; the prickling, tingling sensation is very disturbing. My blood pressure is also fine when checked but this feature feels like pressure in the head.
can anyone reassure us that this is anxiety? my GP checked my scalp before and was fairly nonchalant about it.

26-10-09, 12:02
Yeah I've had this symptom too, i put it down to anxiety or the meds I am on. Try not too worry too much about it.... says she!!!

Take care

Sue xx

25-11-09, 13:34
anyone discovered the root cause?