View Full Version : whats wrong with me?

07-10-09, 12:03
I feel like i am no longer in control of my body. I feel like im living off my subconsious mind. I feel like my brain is slipping away and that I have either an illness or mental disorder. I have thoughts like "how am I doing this? How does my body work? How do I stay consious?"

Its horrifying, and reduces me to tears. Someoneplease help

07-10-09, 12:11
hi steve..
you sound like you are suffering from derealisation...when you are kind of inside your head looking around at everything but not part of it...kind of divorced from it. Its all anxiety based..try to read up on it and dont be afraid of it...if you read about it you will understand it more and it wont be so scary goodluck

07-10-09, 12:42
try to concentrate on nice stuff listen to music anything to keep bad thoughts at bay

07-10-09, 12:46
so u think its depersonalization and derealisation?

07-10-09, 22:07
hi steve....i think it could be that yes...

07-10-09, 23:01

Yes, sounds like that. It's caused by so much anxious introspection. Constantly analysing how you feel, your thoughts and actions. This will pass. It's all part of anxiety. You're not going mad! Don't worry about it too much - you will get over this. Can I suggest you read Claire Weekes books - depersonalisation is covered in this. She explains it so well and takes the scaryness out of it. It's all about a tired mind. Hope you feel better soon.
Take care

08-10-09, 08:15
Thank you for your replies. I have an appointment with psyciatrist today. My sleeping is fine, its when i wake up in the morning i cant accept feeling woozy and take it as being ill. Im also asking myself am I better yet? How do I know im better? How do I know when the tablets have kicked in? Then my arms and legs start shaking and its horrible. I pray to god i can ge tout of this

08-10-09, 11:54
Hi Steve,
You will get better. Im glad you have an appt with your psyciatrist...he will be able to explain alot of things to you so that in itself will make you feel better....goodluck and I agree with above post..buy Claire Weekes book and read it..