View Full Version : Abdominal aortic aneurysm?! someone please reasure me!

07-10-09, 16:23
I am an 18year old female, who has suffered from high anxiety and panic disorder for two years. I can't stop worrying about my health and usually this results in me being scared for god knows how long about death.
I have been unwell with tonsilitis the past 3 weeks and was tested for glandular fever but the results came back negative, but i have still been feeling unwell and getting alot of headaches so i went back to the doctor with my mum. The doctor looked at my eyes with the torch and said there was nothing there to be worried about, and also felt my stomach as i was getting stomach aches. He felt some areas and they were tender so he is sending me for a scan on my stomach. He asked me if there was anyway i could be pregnant, even though i know there is noway i could be, even so, i still got freaked out. When laying on my back i can feel and see a pulse in my stomach,and with the stomach aches i am scared that i might have Abdominal aortic aneurysm. i know they are rare, but i would really apreciate some advise on this, as it is scaring me so much. I have told my parents what i think it is, but they think i am worrying too much about things that arent there. I know they are probably right, but there is always something in the back of my mind making me worried and scared.

07-10-09, 16:55
Hiya,firstly I am sorry that you are suffering like this. You're a young 'un like me! I'm 23 and have had this shit for years and I really don't want you suffering petal.

And secondly,did you google? The bad "G" word.. I have been so bad with that,that I have considered getting search engines band from my computer,seriously.

About your problem,the stomach pulsing..I have that. If I lay down you would actually think there was a baby or something in me kicking out,no joke.

What kind of stomach aches is it? I know that my head gets very tense and sore with stress (and allergies!) and I have IBS which affects my stomach and is quite common with anxiety suffers but is nothing to worry about.

You're only 18 petal,you should be enjoying life and not going the route I did and still am..worrying over everything! *hugs*

07-10-09, 17:38
i can't find my old thread but i had the same as you, been suffering with anxiety for 3 months, got tonsulitis a month ago, still had pains afterwards and stomach ache pains, i got a ct scan tomorrow and an endoscopy next week.

Since then the pains in tummy have gone and so has the pain in throat, took about 2 - 3 weeks.

I also have the stomach pulse really bad but i don't think it's anything to worry about as it's very common.

07-10-09, 17:55
Hi Bethan, I'm by no means an expert, but I'm sure you shouldn't be worried about an aneurysm. I think I read that it's a lot more common in men, and certainly in people a lot older than you. I think also that it is one of those conditions that you don't generally know about either until it's too late or is found randomlly as part of a health check, so the chances of that are extremely small. Anyway, I'm sure your scan will put your mind at rest. All the best, Andy.

Cell block H fan
07-10-09, 17:58
I am an 18year old female, who has suffered from high anxiety and panic disorder for two years. I can't stop worrying about my health and usually this results in me being scared for god knows how long about death.
I have been unwell with tonsilitis the past 3 weeks and was tested for glandular fever but the results came back negative, but i have still been feeling unwell and getting alot of headaches so i went back to the doctor with my mum. The doctor looked at my eyes with the torch and said there was nothing there to be worried about, and also felt my stomach as i was getting stomach aches. He felt some areas and they were tender so he is sending me for a scan on my stomach. He asked me if there was anyway i could be pregnant, even though i know there is noway i could be, even so, i still got freaked out. When laying on my back i can feel and see a pulse in my stomach,and with the stomach aches i am scared that i might have Abdominal aortic aneurysm. i know they are rare, but i would really apreciate some advise on this, as it is scaring me so much. I have told my parents what i think it is, but they think i am worrying too much about things that arent there. I know they are probably right, but there is always something in the back of my mind making me worried and scared.

I dont know too much about Tonsilitis to be honest, but I do know for some reason it seems to affect young peoples stomachs! My daughter got it when she was quite young & was even throwing up. Could of blown me down with a feather when the doc said thats what it was. I didn't think it affected the stomach! I thought she had a bug or something. Hope you're on the mend soon x

09-10-09, 23:41
Thank you all for replying to my post. I am pretty sure i was freaking out, and having a bad day.. i'm sure you all get them days where you feel like you cant cope and cry your eyes out over the tiniest thing that worries you?
I am determined to not let this anxiety take over who i am, because it is NOT who i am, and i am working on getting through this. i hope you all feel you can do the same.

Cell block H fan
09-10-09, 23:53
Thank you all for replying to my post. I am pretty sure i was freaking out, and having a bad day.. i'm sure you all get them days where you feel like you cant cope and cry your eyes out over the tiniest thing that worries you?
I am determined to not let this anxiety take over who i am, because it is NOT who i am, and i am working on getting through this. i hope you all feel you can do the same.


12-10-09, 09:41
Don't know whether you noticed it, but there was a news item over the weekend about a new nationwide screening programme for aortic aneurysm. I won't go into details but the most relevant thing from your point of view is that the programme is being aimed at men over 65 which implies that you wouldn't be considered a high risk for this condition. Try not to worry about it. As WeeMee says, 18 is far too young to be worrying about such things. Wish I was 18 again, I was almost carefree then...

12-10-09, 21:50
Sure you would make medical history if you had aortic aneurym as N 18 yr old female:). My uncle who is 84 has one of these and it was detected about 20 yrs ago and he is still alive - he had a def pulsating lump in his abdomen not a visible pulse which is incredibly common in slim people- bet you are a skinny one - I remember my aunty who is very thin pressing her tummy in bed and feeling a really hard lump she was in such a panic and rushed to Dr next day and guess what it was her spine she had felt!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway back to A A's. My uncle was told the condition is stongly genetic in males and very rare under 40 yrs old in males. His son has been told to go for screening as he is at high risk because of his father.

the ultrasound you have of your stomach will also check your aorta as well as they do it as part of an abdominal scan - if you want to be a nuisance ask the radiographer how big your aorta is - usually around 2cms and I bet she/he says oh its xxxx. I did that once and got an immediate answer. Worth a try.

12-10-09, 22:22
Hi, please don't worry, hopefully I will be able to reassure you. I have a pulsation in my stomach it's that bad that it makes my top move at times it is a real nusance. Anyway I lost 2 stone and I never noticed it till then. My dad is 73 and he has had an aortic aneurysm for 5 years. I seen my GP and said I was worried and would like an ultrasound. So I went for the ultrasound and when the doctor put the probe on my stomach it moved it with the beat of my heart, freaky hey!! It is awful but I was told it was because I was slim, anyway the test was ok and I was relieved but it still pulsates now I just ignore it ( I am 41).

With regards to your tonsilitis sometimes it can take a while to get over these infections, I am sure you will be be better in a few weeks, go to your doctors if your headache does not go, it could be tension or sinus problems from the infection.

Take care x

13-10-09, 14:00
Thank you everyone who wrote me back, i am so glad i found this website, and feel that just meeting people with the same thing makes you feel just a tiny bit better about whatever it is you arre worrying about.
I am no longer worried about AA as after reading all your wonderful advise, and reminding myself it could be anumber of things that i am eventually at a happy place right now.
After reading all this on a friday night, i went on to the reading section on this site, and found a article writting by a hypnotist, and i could not believe how acurate this guy was. I read the full article (which took me about 5 minutes) and i was so relieved with what i read. I finally felt a tinge of relief and felt that i could do that, and that i was a strong person and wouldnt let this damn anxiety ruin my life!
Later that night when i went to bed, i remembered all the things written down, and it gave me strength in only carrying out 1 of my 4 OCDs that i do before bed.. i also usually worry about dying in my sleep and wonder if i'll wake up in the morning before sleeping, and nothing of the sort crossed my mind before sleeping. I slept easily, and nicely which hasnt been easy recently, and woke up in the best mood i'd been in for a good while.
I even went shopping and went to hang out with a friend, which i hadnt done in so long! when i eventually got home that night, my dad couldnt keep the smile of his face and explained that it was because he was so happy and proud of me, that i had eventually got through it so far, and felt strong enough to go out and do normal every day things. he even admited he didnt know who had answered the phone when he rang me that day because i had seemed so totally different... so happy. That night i went to sleep so happy, and it has lasted till today, and i hope it keeps on lasting! i am on propranorol at the moment, but took my last tablet sunday night and put in a repeat perscription, but am still waiting for my tablets, and even without i feel pretty good right now. I'm writting this because i want everyone on this site to feel as good as i do, and i KNOW how amazingly hard it is just to get out of bed some mornings and open the blinds because you just feel so nervous about everything thats ahead of you that day, but you CAN do it, and the effect you get from it is amazing. I strongly advise everyone to read the article, and i hope that i've helped just one person feel a little more stronger to beat this stupid anxiety. we CAN do it! anxiety isnt part of us, its a stage, and its a stage we can all over come!!!!