View Full Version : HA about family members?

Cell block H fan
07-10-09, 17:26
Do you ever get the ol HA about family members or friends too?
My mum has suffered with a sore tongue off & on for a while. She says her whole tongue has like pimples on it & a sore type spot on it. In the past they have given her something for it & it worked, but this time its back & nothing is getting rid.
The dentist today said she needs to go to hospital, as she is either allergic to her false teeth believe it or not! Or its something else. Which he didn't elaborate on. But he wont give her anything else for it now.
I'm sure its not oral cancer as she has never smoked & only has a baileys at xmas. And the fact it has disappeared before then come back wouldn't indicate something bad would it?