View Full Version : Oh I am silly...or, HA makes me laugh sometimes...

07-10-09, 20:33
I got home earlier, looked down at my hands and noticed they had a blue-ish tinge to them. I of course freaked out, assuming there was something wrong with my circulation, my heart, whatever. I decided to have a hot shower in the hope that hot water would improve whatever was wrong with my circulation. On getting into the shower I notice that my legs are also blue tinged. Cue major panic, oh my god, there's something wrong with my heart, I am about to die etc etc etc. Then I notice that the water swirling around my feet was ALSO tinged blue. And then I notice the soggy rain soaked pair of jeans on the floor. They're new. They haven't been washed yet. They're not colourfast. The rain made the dye run and dyed my legs and hands (from the pockets) blue. Cue much laughter, mostly from relief.

D'oh!!!!! :doh::doh::doh::roflmao:

Cell block H fan
07-10-09, 21:06
I got home earlier, looked down at my hands and noticed they had a blue-ish tinge to them. I of course freaked out, assuming there was something wrong with my circulation, my heart, whatever. I decided to have a hot shower in the hope that hot water would improve whatever was wrong with my circulation. On getting into the shower I notice that my legs are also blue tinged. Cue major panic, oh my god, there's something wrong with my heart, I am about to die etc etc etc. Then I notice that the water swirling around my feet was ALSO tinged blue. And then I notice the soggy rain soaked pair of jeans on the floor. They're new. They haven't been washed yet. They're not colourfast. The rain made the dye run and dyed my legs and hands (from the pockets) blue. Cue much laughter, mostly from relief.

D'oh!!!!! :doh::doh::doh::roflmao:

PMSL :roflmao:
Reminds me of the other day. I was sat in the car reading the paper at the school waiting for my kids to come out, & I could feel a pins n needles type feeling in my right hand. I was moving my hand about clenching & unclenching my fist, thinking to myself I was going to post on here later & ask if anyone else ever got this sensation.
Then I realised I had the window open slightly, it was spitting with rain & it was hitting my hand!!

07-10-09, 21:10
lol i've had similar but not quite as funny as yours ;)
Woke up and my finger was bruised and hurt... Freaked out why it was oddly coloured and bruised?? Then remembered i'd trapped it in a baby gate the day before ^^

07-10-09, 22:23
Something kind of simular happened to me once...lol..im not surprised you freaked out..I did at the time lol...

08-10-09, 00:54
LOL you numpty!
OMGosh I do that ALL THE TIME!!!

..Or sometimes it'll just be patches of blue and I'm like "Look at all these bruises, BLOOD CLOT!"

To find it washes off. Whoops!

08-10-09, 07:45
lol ah i needed that. I seem to be having a week of saying 'i,m not the only one'. Love it.

08-10-09, 08:58