View Full Version : So i'm not sure what i'm meant to say here but..

07-10-09, 22:04
I am an 18 year old female who has just joined this site. I was SO glad i found this, as i felt i was at the end of my tether, alone, with nobody that understood me. Although i knew alot of other people suffered from high anxiety like me i never met any or spoke to them. When i went through this website i realised just how many people suffer from this and that i wasnt 'going crazy'
it has really reasured me that i CAN get through this, and i will be better in time. I hope all of you have hope that you can too. I know its going to take me a long while, but i am determined to not like this make me feel isolated and low..

07-10-09, 22:06

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

07-10-09, 22:06

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-10-09, 22:10

Welcome to NMP what a great attitude you have, you are not alone and you will beat this

Good luck and best wishes x

07-10-09, 22:12
hi there bethan97
you are so young to have anxiety the same age as my son...you will find loads of support on here and just knowing you are not alone will make you stronger believe me..xx

anx mum
07-10-09, 22:12
Hello i too suffer with anxiety and panic attacks ur not alone hun feel free 2 pm me anytime.xx

07-10-09, 22:16
Hi. Rest assured there's loads of us in the same boat - all different ages and different walks of life. You have come to the right place for support.

08-10-09, 09:53
Thanks guys for making me feel so welcome!

08-10-09, 18:50
Hi Bethan97.
I'm also new to the sight and wasn't sure really what to write but just knowing there are others out there feeling the same as us is a great comfort. It seems to me that we all come from different walks of life with different worries and concerns but one unique experience that helps us get through. I've honestly believed at times that I'm going mad. My husband doesn't worry about anything that almost makes me worse. It's good to know there is support for us and we will get through this and learn to live and cope with panic and anxiety. Blimey! I sound like a different person already ... thinking positive and not negative. Take care.