View Full Version : Anger, anyone?

07-10-09, 22:32
Hi, I've posted before about uncontrollable rage (experienced when I stopped my medication for depression/anxiety). I'm some months further on now and all of sudden this anger has come back.

I'm scared that it's depression, that I will need to go back on the pills. I get really angry about all sorts of things - people parking their cars inconsiderately, or just generally not driving to an (in my irritable opinion) acceptable standard :blush:. When someone is rude or inconsiderate in general, like a woman today - I was about to leave a shop and as I got to the door someone appeared on the other side, so I opened the door and paused to see if they would come in first, but this other, arrogant pikey thing appeared from nowhere and just pushed past us both! It sounds so trivial now but I was livid. I get in a rage when I'm at home alone, too. Tonight, I was fitting a new cat flap (frightened cats come through them way too fast and, well, plastic just doesn't cut it!) and was getting so wound up because I couldn't get the screws in. Then the curtain pole fell on my head, luckily it's still pole shaped and not U shaped... but again, soooo angry. Then I get really angry with myself for eating too much when I don't want to put any weight on. I go back and kick things if I've tripped over them. I punch cupboard doors/shelves etc if I bang my head on them. I thow things, pull my hair. A few times I've smacked my head against the wall.

Is this depression again/still??? I know that only my doctor can diagnose, but I would really appreciate any thoughts/opinions.

Thank you :wacko:

07-10-09, 22:45

Yes, I can get angry sometimes - especially if I'm feeling anxious. Let's face it, nowadays people can be disrespectful and your anger can be justified if you are a caring, courteous person. But I don't think you should feel so bad as to smack your head against a wall - you don't deserve to hurt yourself like that. You are taking your anger out on yourself. Is there something in the background you are really angry at? Please try to find out if there is and try to get that sorted out. Don't hurt yourself in the process - you are too precious for that.:hugs: I would speak to my doctor again. I hope that you get help and feel calmer again. Feeling like this is not nice for you.
Take care

07-10-09, 23:04
Thanks Myra, I think I need to come clean with my doctor! There are things in the background that I'm angry at/about, but they are things that shouldn't make me angry. I guess I really need to find a way of dealing with my past, I'm sure that's where it's all coming from.

I wish I could believe that I'm worth more than this and deserve better - but that's another one for a therapist I suppose. Thank you for saying it anyway, I will keep reading it :hugs::hugs:

07-10-09, 23:55
Hi Angelai

I could have written that post a little while ago. I think a lot of my anger was pms. Luckily it has gone since my periods stopped. Do you think yours could be related to that?

Don't be hard on yourself:noangel: go and punch a pillow instead:)

Sorry too that you have low self-worth, can't help you there because I have none either!!:ohmy: Maybe the two are linked:wacko:

Take care

08-10-09, 13:17
Thank you Els, I think it is related to pms - I'm no good with hormones :wacko:

I'm glad it's settled down for you, we just have to work on the self worth I guess...


09-10-09, 14:01
Well i too suffer from depresstion and know what you're saying about not wanting to go back on the medication i want to stop but have to keep taking them until the doctors and nurses think i am well to do so.

Em, sorry i am rubbish for words but i am a good lisener if you ever want to talk just message me ok

just remember i will be here for you no matter what the problem is ok take care of yourself best wishes x

10-10-09, 20:25
Well I am an anger maniac for no reason. I can get angry for anything at all very easily. and I don't think mine is pms related since I am a 22 y.o. male :)

10-10-09, 21:19
I've only had a few episodes of rage rather than anger that seemed to come out of nowhere. My counsellors have both said it can be the depression that has caused it. It did scare me to be honest as it was something i had not experienced before. Unfortunately i am still on medication but hope one day i will be able to manage without. :unsure: