View Full Version : Do you get days of lightheadedness?

08-10-09, 09:20
I have been suffering with anxiety since my first panic attack 3 months ago. I can't go out on my own except with the dog or to the local shop. I just wondered is it normal to have days of lightheadedness in a row? To begin with I got the odd day here and there but now I'm getting it for days at a time (or maybe I'm just expecting to, which is making it happen). Surely it should be getting better, not worse? I'm one of those people who avoid doctors when they're worried about something (silly I know), now I'm worried that my lightheadedness isn't anxiety at all but MS or brain tumour. I've also got the derealisaton back, and my eyes don't seen to focus as clearly as they did (another symptom of brain tumour). I know anxiety causes all of these symptoms, but I read a post about someone being tested for MS because they kept being lightheaded, and now I'm panicking.

08-10-09, 09:41
try not to panic, go to the doctors, worrying about our health is a big thing with anxiety because we do think something is wrong, but once you have long bouts of anxiety you will notice that you will feel dizzy and lightheaded, so its prob nothing to worry about but if you are worrying go to docs and speak to them just for peace of mind x

08-10-09, 09:51
i get it often it is scary but we have to live with it ,sometimes get it week at a time,t could be your inner ear.that can cause it ,,but also anxiety can ,,its catch 22 the more we worry the worse it gets,,,,:bighug1:

08-10-09, 12:47
I get terrible dizzyness on a daily basis, it affects my vision and ability to concentrate, can happen at anytime and for no apparent reason. Another symptom of anxiety. Go to your docs and have an ENT checkup

09-10-09, 00:24
Yes I do as well, feel like I cant even balance but really do feel it is in my head rather, I also get this when I panic for example standing in supermarket queues or a busy bus.


11-10-09, 10:36
I get exactly the same,feels like my eyes are spinning in my head and i'm just going to randomly pass out at any moment. Are you on any medication? I'm on citalopram and it made my blood pressure drop which made me even dizzier! It's a symptom of anxiety and a side effect of many anti depressant/anxiety medications too. One thing i learned from my counselling is that when you feel these symptoms at their worst breathe in to the count of 4 and out to the count of 6, this is the best coping mechanisim i have found and it gives you something to focus on and it has a physiological effect aswell in slowing heart rate which in turn slows down many other physiological symptoms. Plus the sooner i accepted all my symptoms of anxiety as symptoms of anxiety and nothing else it made coping with them an awful lot easier - my counsellor helped me so much more than i imagined!