View Full Version : Pouring Water On A Drowning Man

08-10-09, 09:45
Hi All,

8 weeks in and still plodding on.

Feeling a little better in myself but the side effects still appear to continue.

Still hot flushes and the occasional early morning down load!

Anyone else get jaw / teeth tension spreading to headaches?

If I new that someone else had been through these odd side effects and come out the other side would reassure me to continue.

My concern is that I'm just not suited to these particular tablets.

All the best.


Keep the Faith:shrug:

08-10-09, 09:47
hi you dont say what meds your on:)

08-10-09, 10:00
Hi Gypsy Woman,

Not wishing to sound like a plonker - this posting is on a Citalopram thread !



Veronica H
08-10-09, 10:39
Hi Occy
We are all different in the way we react to meds. My Citalopram kicked in after 2 weeks and I get a good result from a low dose 10mg. This low dose does nothing for some people so as you can see it is a bit difficult to predict. I have had the symptoms you describe but they did not last long. After 8 weeks it might be worth returning to the GP for a review.


08-10-09, 10:45
sorry your not a plonker it was just it was in todays post ,,,

08-10-09, 12:23
Hi, I am on wk 5 of Citalopram & can soo relate to having a clenched jaw! I am aware of it all the time. Feels like my jaw has locked overnight & aches all day :weep: I have had these tablets last yr & they seemed to work well & within 6mths totally changed my life. This time around, I don't seem to be feeling any improvement as of yet & I'm signed off work. This is going down like a lead balloon which is adding to my anxiety even more :mad: Still, trying to take each day as it comes. All the very best to you for the future.

Mel x :winks:

08-10-09, 13:07
Hi Mel,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

If they worked for you in the past I'm sure they will again.

Try to get back to work ONLY when you are up to it.

There is no point worrying about stuff you can't change.

Just keep on keeping on!

All the best.


Desprate Dan
08-10-09, 17:54
Occy, I have been on Citalopram for 6 months now first i started on 10mg after a month with no improvement i got put on 20mg still it was another month before i started to feel any improvement, i have had a load of side effects from nausea, trembling, nightmares and problems in the bedroom department... But its not all bad it has given me my life back i am not constantly worried and my anxiety is a lot better, although lately i have felt nervous and on edge slightly, but my GP said its down to me trying very hard at my C.B.T and pushing myself from my comfort zone..

I hope you start to feel better soon..


mum to three
08-10-09, 23:38
Hi Occy
Im on week 4 of 20mg cita and most of the horrendous side effects have past apart from the clench jaw and really bad headaches, i have read so many good reviews about this med that i am willing to persevere for a little longer as my mood has definitely improved and im starting to feel like my old self again, hope you feel better soon, take care x

09-10-09, 08:42
I feel that I'm not suited to the citalopram either cos I still get headaches and feel groggy sometimes. I get tension in my jaw (probably due to clenching in the night) which leads to permanent pain in my temples as if I've been hit in the temples by someone's knuckle. but all of the really horrible side effects disappeared after 6 weeks, and I can put up with this lot.