View Full Version : Dont know what to do anymore - need advise!!!

08-10-09, 10:51
Hi All,

Recently in the last 2 months I have gone very much down hill - even so that I havnt visited this forum sinse then...

I had a full time job and also moonlighted as an ann summers party organiser in the evenings.... Because the use of promotion was there with ann summers I jacked in my full time job as this was what i really wanted to do... Anyway I also went off sick as everytime I went into my full time job i kept getting panic attacks and couldt even go in.... The dorctor signed me off for my 4 weeks notice and I havent been in .....

Since quitting my FT position I have gone really downhill.... I cant go out by myself (not that I could really before but i felt a bit better about it all) Im even feeling anxious in my wee flat I am in..... I am making any excuse possible not to do stuff - just becasue anytime I am out I feel like I am going to pass out and I have waves of it like I will... And I cant even drive now! (my car was always my safe haven)

I still think quitting was the right idea as it brought my anxiousness on as it wasnt a busy place and I was just left sat there and everything was constantly on my mind.

Anyway i really cant afford atm just to have this party plan job (as i cant even go out and do the parties at the mo...) So am looking for another PT job to substitute it but I cant even go out of the house never mind get a job around poeple and everything!!!

I just needed some advise really as I dont know how much longer I can stick this out...

Obviously I need some money in now as I wont be able to pay the rent/loan/CC and car insurance and stuff... And I cant borrow off anyone (and dont want to)

I live with my boyfriend and I love him to bits but I know im stressing him out and driving him insane as hes in a FT job and its very stressful then hes obviously got me on his mind which worries him - and obvously the financial risk is also getting to him. I just dont want this to screw up our relationship as we get on great and hes the only person id ever trust with anything.

I jsut need to know what you guys think.... I really need some help and you guys will know what to do for the best....

Sorry for the essay but I needed to get it all out :)

Thanks in advance guys :blush:

Cathy xxx

08-10-09, 11:02
stopping in is not the answer the longer you do the worse it will get believe me ,,even if you get in your car and drive a short way go to shops..i have been there didn't go out for 1 year ,,stopped in bed 3 months of that,,lost all confidence ,,it was awful so i know how you feel..my husband got he didn't even speak to me ,,now i go to art college i needed something to get me out ,,so if i was you don't let this thing beat you,, be brave you can do it,, hope things work out let me know xx

08-10-09, 11:12
Thank you - it all just seems to impossible at the moment! Everytime I try I always get knocked back...

I just feel so stupid and pathetic!!! And I dont want to be like this - I know none of us do. I wouldnt even wish it on my worst enemy!


09-10-09, 11:38
Also I forgot to add im going on hold on 6th Nov - for 1 week.... Just only realised cuz the travel documents came through this morning...

WHich is freaking me out as if i cant even get outa the house atm - how am i gonna go to an airport and plane etc.... Also dont actually have the money to spend on hol cuz of the whole job thing...

Any advice will be great :) x

09-10-09, 12:35

Your feelings are mostly due to the fact you gave ap a day job
i got a job 6 years ago to work mostly from home and the first few months were hard as i seemed to lose my motivation to get up in the morning, it does take a while but as Gypsywoman says staying in is not te answer

But i can tell you from experience it will get better

best wishes x

09-10-09, 13:45
Thanks "Panic Over!!!" I think its just hard knowing that cuz i can stay in I will... I just need to get my arse outside :) x