View Full Version : confused

01-11-05, 10:25
I don't know if I'm panicking or if ther is something wrong with me. For a few weeks I've benn really lightheaded and dizzy, I've been close to fainting on a few occasions, I was then physically sick on Friday. It is also that time of the month and I had to get sent home from work early cos I was in so much pain, my manager asked me if I was panicking even though she doesn't know I suffer from panic attacks! Well now I still feel ill and my mum's urging me to get blood tests done to see if there is anything wrong cos I'm alwas pale and can't put weight on. When this is happening I don't feel panicky, what do others think? Thanx

"Ther goes the fear, let it go. You turn around and life's passed you by, you look to those you love to justify...there goes the fear."

01-11-05, 12:08

I get more lightheaded approaching and during the time of the month.
I have to make sure i keep taking boiled sweets every hour to keep gloucose levels up (it does help).

If you are pale then maybe try out some iron tablets to see if that helps (make sure they mild) If you are really concerned see your doctor to help you.

good luck
