View Full Version : Panic attacks killed my life joy!

08-10-09, 15:23
Hello all, my name is Ahmed, im 24 years old and this is my first time to join NMP which im proud of.
I'm suffering panic attacks since 2 years where my whole life changed. I was a very active person, and used to be a vocalist in a band where i had a dream of reaching far from only a band in local scene. The panic attacked me and destroyed me totally. I kept on facing it for almost a year and a half, but this year was the worse. Since around 6 months i started having issues with my heart which are palpitations. I never knew panic attacks could do this, then i kept every 2 weeks rushing to a different hospital. i couldn't handle it it made me more depressed. Then i decided to go see a docotor. And he wrote down Xanax for emergency cases and seroxat. and im using it since a week now. To be honest still i dont feel good, i feel my chest is tight and my fingers are kind of numb. Please help me mentally and help me get my old life back :weep:

08-10-09, 15:38
Hi Ahmed and :welcome: to Nmp.Your medication Seroxat will take 2-3 weeks to settle in your system .It will give you side effects ,but everyone suffers differently. There is a sub forum for medications further down the page ,you will get some help from other people who are experiencing the same thing there .Once your dose starts to kick in ,you will feel better in your self and you can learn techniques like relaxation and deep breathing to elp with the panic .There are lots of things you can do to help yourself ..Read as much as you can about Panic and learn to accept it wont hurt you .A good book to read is by Dr ClaireWeekes Self help for your nerves .It can be bought cheaper from the NMP shop .It really is a good book and will help you understand all about it .Take care and all the best with your recovery .You will get a lot of help and support here ,,Luv Sue :hugs:

08-10-09, 16:21
welcome to the site ,,itsvery good sure you will get help...

Veronica H
08-10-09, 16:34
:welcome:Ahmed. I am glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.


08-10-09, 20:21
Ahmed, be sure and read some of the success stories - they're really inspiring and some of the techniques are helping me. You have to just break it all down to small steps and face the things you fear. Its sooooooo hard, but step by step, one at a time, you can conquer it. Never give up.

08-10-09, 20:45
Thanks to you all:bighug1:i think with people like you i will find comfort and real people who understands me. I just came back from hospital thought i would have a heart attack and i thought my heart is not doing its job right!:shrug: Then they did ACG and blood test and all were fine! but still im not relaxed :weep:

09-10-09, 10:27
Sorry to hear that mate, I'm 25 and suffered the same as you. At the beginning of this year I was thinking my heart was not working properly and feeling like I was going mad. You are probably experiencing a range of other physical symptoms too. All people with this panic dissorder think they are dying and having heart attack... I still get feeling thought's thinking im having a heart attack.

The thing to remember is your heart is reacting to the adrenaline that is released when you get into panic mode, so increased heart beat, hear palpitations, feeling of all blood leaving extremities (numb finger/toes), feeling of needing the toilet, hot flushes and many more are completely normal.

People who have heart attacks don't usually know it, it feels like very bad indigestion which eventually becomes acute pain. You can only really have a heart attack once or twice before your body can't take anymore, so if your worrying about that then try not to.

Also if your feeling mental and think you going crazy then don't be. Crazy people don't know they're going crazy, they think they're getting better.

Anyway welcome to NMP mate it helped me out massively, and still is.

PM me if you want to talk mate,

Daf :yesyes:

anx mum
09-10-09, 10:35
How r u stranger?

09-10-09, 13:09
Hey Daf, thanks alot and i will PM you for sure if i needed anything :) and tanks again for your advises :D

09-10-09, 14:37
Hi Anxmum how you doing... yeah i'm ok. Not been able to talk to you on Yahoo for ages, they changed the computers at my work and Yahoo messenger doesn't work :mad:

Your welcome Ahmed, hope your feeling better mate.