View Full Version : Need some serious help!

08-10-09, 15:54
Hello everyone!

I really need some help/advice/reassurance from people who maybe have gone though some of the same things I have.

I suffered from anxiety for the first time my senior year of high school. I smoked pot, when into extreme panic, and experienced 6 months of debilitating anxiety/derealization/panic. However, I COMPLETELY recovered and was fine for about 3 years.

Flash forward to about one month ago. I am studying abroad in the Dominican Republic, and didn't really know anyone that well. We went out, I had a few drinks and ended up smoking pot to sort of "fit in." Well I ended up passing out, hitting my head on a tile floor, and sustaining a concussion. I woke up feeling fine, but the next day, the feelings of panic set in. I was able to go home for two weeks, and came back feeling on top of my anxiety. I still had symptoms, but they were ones I could live with, and were getting better by the day. I felt very motivated to overcome my panic, and was doing okay.

Then, I got sick here. I had the swine flu. I was congested, and my ears ended up becoming very clogged. I felt very anxious over this, and obsessing over the fact that my ears still feel weird is causing me extreme anxiety. I am still unable to tell if my ears still continue to feel clogged from the sickness of from the anxiety. If i ignore my ears, they tend to feel better. If I concentrate, I get crackling in my ears and a feeling that they need to pop. Has anyone's ear problems been made worse by anxiety?

Now I feel like I'm in a constant mind battle. I am so afraid all the time. I wake up with my stomach hurting, I feel highly unsettled during the day, I can barely focus on my work (which is awful because this is study abroad and highly intensive). I can't tell if something is wrong with my body or if it is all anxiety and in my mind!

PLEASE HELP! Any suggestions on the situation would be very appreciated. I am particularly interested in knowing if anyone has ever had ear problems whether after a cold or not, and whether this went away.

I feel like I'm going to go crazy here, and I need some reassurance. Thank you all for listening!

08-10-09, 15:55
Hi tamachan

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-10-09, 18:44
I used to get problems with my ears all the time when I got ill (used to have sore throats/colds etc a lot because I didn't sleep or eat properly when I was studying in college) I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, I just ignored them and it seemed to help. Before I knew it I was fine again. Hope things get better for you, I really sympathise.