View Full Version : No teeth!!!!! Feeling very dispondent :-(

08-10-09, 17:08
Some of you already know what's going on with me and the dentist, but for those who don't, I'll start from the beginning!!
For the past few years I had a very strong fear of going to the dentist...it wasn't a fear of the treatment, it was because my teeth were/are in a very poor condition! The truth be told I was embarrassed :blush:! I was scared I would get told off like a naughty school girl who hadn't done her homework...so continuously even when suffering with toothache and abscesses put it off!
Now a few weeks back my thoughts were running away with me as usual and I suddenly got it in my head I had something wrong with me and the only way I would get this fear out of my mind was by going to the dentist and getting my mouth checked! So here I was in a position where I had to combat one fear to get rid of another!! :wacko:
Anyway...I did it and was so proud of myself....and I never even got told off!!! LOL Even then I thought to myself why had I put it off for so long! Anyway after that the dentist said he was able to save 6 teeth at the front bottom and 3 at the top front!
So I had to go back, feeling a little less anxious and worried but still very anxious due to my anxiety! I sat for 2 hours in the dentist chair whilst he filled my front teeth making them look normal again!!!
I was so chuffed...I could semi smile again!! He also refered me to the hospital to have the remaining teeth he wasnt able to save taken out under general anesthetic.
So today I had an appointment to go and see the consultant at the hospital who had me have Xrays before I spoke to him. It now turns out that it was really a waste of time them trying to save my teeth and that the best option would be for me to have ALL my teeth removed!!!

So here I am tonight thinking about it TOO much as i do!!! Thinking what will I look like with no teeth!!!??? That I will have to go 2-3 months after having them taken out before I can have false teeth fitted!!! I have social anxiety as it is and find it hard leaving the house....how am I ever going to find the courage to do things like go to the shops and see other people when I'll have no teeth in my mouth!!! I'm just finding it really hard tonight!!!!

Thanks for listening!!! Also thanks to those who have supported me through this the past few weeks!!!!!

Hugs Claire xxxxxxxxx

08-10-09, 17:16
oh hunny to start im so very very proud of you or going and for stickig withit, i hve known meny poeple with fauls teeth there is nothing wrong with it and everyoen will love fyou just s much yr such an amazing person an insprathion to me with how much yr coping with everyting being thrown at you well done hunny :):):):):):)

08-10-09, 17:32
it is possible to make you immediate dentures as a temporary measure. Your dentist would make them before the appointment to have extractions and then they are fitted as soon as teeth removed. These would only be temporary and only last 3 to 6 months before you would need new ones. Of course if you pay it would mean paying for 2 sets but its worh having a word with your dentist to discuss all options

08-10-09, 17:47
Aww Claire hun :hugs:

First of all, a massive well done for going - I know how difficult it was for you.

The prospect of having to live for a time with no teeth must be hard for you to come to terms with but maybe it wont be as bad as you think. We often think, that when we are out and about - especially with social anxiety - that people are scrutinising us in every detail, when in fact, they are usually too wrapped up in what they are doing or worrying what WE are thinking of them to even barely notice us when we feel vulnerable.

How often have you not noticed that someone has started/stopped wearing glasses or something? But for them its massive.

My ex husband had quite a large mole on his chin. Apart from always seeming to catch it when shaving (ha ha lol) he was really bothered by how it looked.
He took time off work and arranged to have the mole operated on to get rid of it once and for all. After the op, he went back to work, no mole but with 4 stitches. Most of the people he worked with were really concerned that he had had a fall and hurt himself because of the obvious stitches.
He explained about the mole ..... the reaction 'What mole?' Nobody had even noticed it in the first place!!

One thing I will say Claire. Please make sure having all your teeth out is the best option for YOU, not that it might make the procedure easier for them.

You'll get through it hun. I know being able to smile properly again is what you want most so that in itself will drive you forward. Try to think of the goal and not too much of the process :hugs:

Love Sue xxxxxxxx

08-10-09, 21:12
oh hunny to start im so very very proud of you or going and for stickig withit, i hve known meny poeple with fauls teeth there is nothing wrong with it and everyoen will love fyou just s much yr such an amazing person an insprathion to me with how much yr coping with everyting being thrown at you well done hunny :):):):):):)

Thanks hunni.....you've been a massive support to me too over the past few weeks!! :bighug1:

08-10-09, 21:13
it is possible to make you immediate dentures as a temporary measure. Your dentist would make them before the appointment to have extractions and then they are fitted as soon as teeth removed. These would only be temporary and only last 3 to 6 months before you would need new ones. Of course if you pay it would mean paying for 2 sets but its worh having a word with your dentist to discuss all options

I've been told I have to wait for this amount of time without anything so my gums can heal properly...but I will look into it thanks xxx

08-10-09, 21:19
Thanks Sue hun, really appreciate all your support and words of wisdom!! :flowers:

They could keep my 2 top front teeth in and the same at the bottom, but they wont last much longer so will need them taking out in the near future anyway! so rather than have to go through more treatment and anxiety over more treatment, I've decided as hard as it was to do it all at the same time!

I am trying very hard to look at the positive side of this!!! :doh:

Hugs and thanks again

Claire xxxxxxxxxx

08-10-09, 22:00
I have dental phobia and have huge issues with my teeth!
They are so bad that I sometimes wonder what it was like when I didn't have pain because of them!!
Still haven't gotten the guts to go and get them checked!
I know it may not mean much because we don't know each other well but I am SO SO proud of you!!!
I know what the fear is like and for you to push thru it and go is such a huge accomplishment!!
You will make it thru the waiting period too!
Just keep telling yourself how great it will be to have a brand new set of choppers!
I can just see it now once you get them....
Your cheeks are going to hurt so bad from smiling and showing them off!

09-10-09, 00:15
Thanks Sue hun, really appreciate all your support and words of wisdom!! :flowers:

They could keep my 2 top front teeth in and the same at the bottom, but they wont last much longer so will need them taking out in the near future anyway! so rather than have to go through more treatment and anxiety over more treatment, I've decided as hard as it was to do it all at the same time!

I am trying very hard to look at the positive side of this!!! :doh:

Speaking as someone who had her last tooth removed yesterday, I wish I'd done it ages ago. Like you, I was terrified of having them all out at once, so I insisted on keeping the ones I could. I've had toothache and agony with each one that has since been removed. I started having to have the top front 5 removed. I was given a temporary plate straight away. It wasn't too successful as my gum shrank as it healed, but it stayed in with the fixative you can buy. I got my permanent plate about 2 months later and extra teeth have been added to the plate as my own were removed. Now the plate fits snuggly and I don't even need fixative. The bottom one annoys me at times - my tongue tends to lift it, but my OH says he wouldn't know, it's just me that feels it. It's great to stand in front of the mirror and give a big grin - my new teeth look so good! I hope all goes well for you.

09-10-09, 00:44
Thanks maddie so much, those few words as well as everyone elses is slowly helping me to deal with this situation!!
My problem is I really need to stop worrying about what people think of me...and start to love myself for who I am. I know I'm a nice person and would do anything for anyone...I love to help other people too....I guess I always just wanted to feel accepted if that makes sense!!
Maybe one day I beable to look in that mirror and look at myself and say "yeah Claire you are beautiful!!" but not only face value...beautiful from within too!!!

Aww guys thanks so much for being here for me.....I really do appreciate it....NMP is like my 2nd family now!!!!

Hugs Claire xxxxxxxx:bighug1:

09-10-09, 01:23

Dont ever think you're not beautiful within. I think you're an amazing person and your strength and determination shine even when you're feeling down.

You've given me motivation and support when I feel I cant be bothered and I really appreciate that hun :hugs:

I've never seen you and I dont care what you look like, all I know is you're a caring, sensitive lady and the world could do with a few more like you.


Love Sue xxxxxx

09-10-09, 01:54
A beautiful person on the outside could be the ugliest person in the world within but a True beautiful person will Always be a beautiful person no matter what happens to their body because someone with True beauty will always hold their beauty within.....because that can never be lost.:hugs:

I've been having alot of trouble with my teeth these past few weeks too, despite regular visits. I've had a crown fitted and had another tooth removed which is the third so far! It really gets me down so I can understand how you must be feeling too!

I spoke to my mother about it because I'm worried that I'll need false teeth in the future but she reassured me. All her teeth were removed when she was 60 but to look at her, you wouldn't even know! She has grown so used to having false teeth that she forgets she has them because they appear and feel just like her own and to others they look perfectly normal. In fact, when she had them done she never told me! It was only when my sister told me years later that I became aware. I couldn't believe it at first because I'd never noticed which goes to show how natural they look!

I'm quite sure that if you could speak to my mother she would put all your fears and worries at rest so try not to worry Too much about it. Look at it another way, no more fillings and no more toothache, and you'll be able to eat whatever you lke!:hugs:

09-10-09, 08:11
i need to go desperatly to the dentist, you have given me inspiration to go now ,im in same boat as you mine will all b out aswell i know it ,keep your chin up and think how amazing you will look after

09-10-09, 08:53
Thank you so much Sue, Bill and Amanda and everyone else for your support....I actually dont feel quite so alone now!! Yes....it's a big step...yes...I'm very scared...but yes...I know I've got you guys right behind me supporting me all the way!!
A BIG thank you and BIG hugs to you all!!! xxx

Claire xxxx

09-10-09, 08:54
i need to go desperatly to the dentist, you have given me inspiration to go now ,im in same boat as you mine will all b out aswell i know it ,keep your chin up and think how amazing you will look after

Amanada, if my situation is going to help you hun, then I'm really happy that some good is coming out of this!!! Good luck and I'll be there right behind you too!!! Hugs xxxx :hugs:

sarah jayne
09-10-09, 09:43
I really feel for you as ive always has problems with my teeth as i didnt look after them when i was younger. I havent got false teeth, luckily i went in time and theyve managed to save most of them. I do know people who have false teeth and they havent had to wait 3 months, my friend was given a tempory plate when she had hers out. Maybe you should get a second opinon cause im sure you shouldnt have to go so long xxx

09-10-09, 10:07
I really feel for you as ive always has problems with my teeth as i didnt look after them when i was younger. I havent got false teeth, luckily i went in time and theyve managed to save most of them. I do know people who have false teeth and they havent had to wait 3 months, my friend was given a tempory plate when she had hers out. Maybe you should get a second opinon cause im sure you shouldnt have to go so long xxx

Thanks Sarah Jayne...I will most certainly look into that....I'm just going by what I was told yesterday by the consultant at the hospital!!! But thank you very much xxxx

Hugs xxxxx

22-11-09, 20:11
Bluebird :) I have exactly the same fears with my teeth, i'm 21 and I have always had fears with my teeth and disliked them. I got bullied at school because they used to stick out and when I was a kid I didnt brush them as much as I should have and when I grew up and realised the damage I caused by not brushing them I just got even more anxious.

Well last week I went to the dentist and finally got them checked over, I need 2 white fillings, 1 extracted at the back and i'm going to have braces put in. They aren't in as bad shape as I thought they were and fortunatly because I went when I did I am going to get my teeth treated before it was too late.

I know this is a very costly route to go down... But did you know you can get teeth implants for around £800 a tooth depending on where you go? There is cosmetic dentists who do that but I know it's very costly. I mean for around £7000-8000 you could get implants on most of your teeth and not have to take them out like you would with false ones. I know it's a heck of a lot of money to spend though.

22-11-09, 21:11
would just like to tell you back in may my hubby went into hospital under general and had all his teeth removed......he had to go 6 months with not even 1 tooth!!! hes now got false teeth and he really does look great and his confidence is so high now! ((((big hugs))) xxx

22-11-09, 21:13
woould just like to add his cost £198 that was for the teeth being removed and for the false teeth was an nhs dentist x

Vanilla Sky
22-11-09, 22:54
Thinking of you Claire, You will be smiling one day and you will grow in confidence, just think no more dentists, thats got to make anyone smile , :D Love to you honey, Paige :hugs:xx

22-11-09, 23:03
Hope all went well. Thinking of you xx