View Full Version : Thought i was alone until i found this site

08-10-09, 19:04
Hi all,
just found this site which gives me some hope when i read through other posts and discover there are many people with similar experiences to mine.
I am desperately trying to contain my SA which is becoming evermore a problem. I used to be the most 'up for it' of person some years ago however i'm struggling to maintain a normal persona at both work and particularly the pub scene.It doesn't help that i'm in a place i don't like either and consider moving on just to feel free from some of the negative aspects i believe now overshadow my real self.
I'm considering going to CBT and recently looked at the intro for the Linden method, so if anyone could offer any advice or share their experience i would truly appreciate it.

Thanks & best wishes to all


08-10-09, 19:05
Hi peterj

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

08-10-09, 19:48
welcome Peterj :)

08-10-09, 19:57
Hi peterj :welcome: I am also fairly new to this site, and have found it the greatest comfort recently. My anxiety was spiralling out of control again until I joined this site, now I know I am just a click away from getting advice from people who know exactly what I am going through as they are suffering themselves. It's really eased my symptoms being able to come on here for advice. I too had recently been looking at the Linden Method but my family think it is a con and don't want me to spend so much money on something before carrying out proper research into it. I haven't tried CBT, it is something I have always considered but when I asked my doctor about it, he said the waiting list in my area is far too long and I should just try to find ways of coping with my condition rather than curing it!
Wishing you all the best and a big welcome
Take Care

Veronica H
08-10-09, 20:05

Glad that you have found us. This is a friendly place with great support.


09-10-09, 16:26
Hi everyone, I'm Ricardo and I'm from Argentina. I just found this site too. I hope you'll help me. I suffer from Panic attacks, and every day I have to fight with this, if you know what I mean.:unsure:

09-10-09, 20:04
Hello Peter
I know how you feel...I used to be a party girl, travelled...then one day SA happened to me...I'm trying really hard to overcome it just like you...
I have tried CBT but it didn't really help me...I think I didn't really have a good therapist, we didn't click.... , to be honest I didn't really put much of an effort in my therapy...I was suppose to do the homeworks...to write about my day, what did I go through etc..but I just couldn't commit to it and usually finished scribbling something down in the bus on my way to the therapist because I was scared he would tell me off...I know, I know...I'm stupid...
But you should give it a go..it's all about trying what works for you...CBT didn't work for me...what helps me is to be around people like me..people with SA...either to meet with them or at least email each other for support...Now I'm sort of trying not to think too much about things just do them and worry later...that helps..
You are on the right path...fighting ...that's important....
I wish you all the best ! Good luck with whatever you will decide to do...