View Full Version : sharp head pains

08-10-09, 21:30
Hi ive been feeling anxious for the last couple of days and im so annoyed as i have been feeling better but now i am have some really sharp pains in my head in one place and its so weird it takes my breath away this is new for me and im worried does anyone else have these pains when feeling anxious im sure it is my panic attacks but i want to make sure and need a bit of reassurance x x

08-10-09, 21:38
hi strange your post is same as another lady tonight ,,i asked f she had a hole in any of her teeth ,as this can send shooting pain into your head,,low and behold she has so is going to dentist..believe me your teeth can cause headache even if you haven t toothache so check it might be this pease dont worry maggie

08-10-09, 22:04
yes it can be teeth problems or like me i suffer with sinus problems and have random shooting pains over my head...can last a few days but they will pass...

08-10-09, 22:06
Sounds like head zaps and perfectly harmless

08-10-09, 22:52

I was going to post about this tonite! Iv been getting these sharp pains at the side of my head, like a shooting pain. doesnt last for long but it gets me thinking all sorts of things.

i do have sinus trouble and a hole in my tooth so this could explain it


mandie x

08-10-09, 22:56
I don't get sharp pains but do get dull head ache and pressure - mentioned this to GP today he said classic anxiety symptom. I would think sharp pains could also be caused by it.

09-10-09, 18:42
Hi all im glad its not just me who has them im sure they are just my panics but ive had it costantly all day today and i have been a little lightheaded and my ears are really itchy i wonder if it is all connected how can i find out if i have a hole in my tooth?
I am worried i have something really wrong with me im so scared of having an annurysm i know its ridiculous but i cant help it!!!
AGGHH why do the panic attacks play so many games with the mind everything else i acn deal with but i dont like things to do with my head< im not the only one am i? :blush:
x x

09-10-09, 20:34
Yeah I get them too, just try to ignore it, i get itchy scalp and prickly eyes too!! Bloody stupid anxiety

09-10-09, 21:09
I get these when I am really anxious
When I have them the next thing that happens
I start to go hot and panic.
Does this happen to any one else


09-10-09, 21:22
Hi Joan this has been happening to me for the last couple of days, i get anxious i go all hot and breathless and then i start to panic.
It hurts and it feels so real that i just dont know weather it is or not!
I calm myself down and then it hurts again and so the circle begins ahh its so annoying and scary!


anx mum
09-10-09, 21:25
i have the same hannah had headaches constant for 2 months now so understand how u feel like u i always think the worse just how i am pm anytime

17-10-09, 21:03
I get them too sometimes! I usually have to grab my head where the pain has 'shot through' as it can be so strong! Have spoken to doc about it but she did not seem too worried and said it was all part of the anxiety, but it is scary nonetheless. I try not to worry if it happens now and reading on here that other people get this too is very reassuring :)