View Full Version : Borderline personality disorder

01-11-05, 12:06
Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms are:

Emotional and Interpersonal Instability

Rapid mood swings between ups and downs

Reacting strongly to separations

No clear goals or direction

Inconsistent Behaviors

Frequently considers self-harm

As this graph indicates, Borderline Personality Disorder, while a separate disorder, overlaps with many symptoms of depression.

How others tend to view a person with this disorder

Initially people may respond positively to a person with Borderline Personality Disorder. In the early stage of a relationship (with friends, co-workers, etc.) they can be fun and exciting. They initially tend to view others in the most positive light. So they might say that you are the most interesting, thoughtful person that they have every known before. However, as soon as something triggers their fear of abondonment or displeasure they will completely turn on you, and see you as the worst, most selfish person in the world. They have no ability to view others in a more complex or balanced fashion.

Consequently, after the first negative incident, others tend to view the person with confusion. You can never know if they are going to be friendly or hostile. Soon, most people end the relationship because of the discomfort that this inconsistency creates.

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this discribe what happens's to all my friendship's.

This dicribe me so well s well I'm just so confused and i need answer's to why I am the way I am.

01-11-05, 12:49
Sorry to hear that you have to cope with this, in all honesty I have no Idea what you are going through. I would say though that you seem to of answered your own question

*This dicribe me so well s well I'm just so confused and i need answer's to why I am the way I am.*

*as soon as something triggers their fear of abondonment or displeasure*

Have you had someone leave you? Have you lost someone close? These could very well be your triggers.

Like I say I don't know my backside from my elbow concerning this condition I am just going on what you have written. Feel free to let me know if I'm talking a load of cobblers.lol.

Take Carexx

Hope you find your answers soon.


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

01-11-05, 13:20
I seem to find many disorder or syndrome that i could fit into the diagonotic critria. I just know I'm not normal and like everyone els I have never been able to sustain a healty relastionship with people i try to so hard i try but I cant find my self giving up a lot of arguing with them for what I later wish i didn't argu with them about but at the time it seemed important to me.

I dont think I one solartry issue I must have more than one and the anxiety is not existing problem the unpredictablity of my personalty is the underly issues but why can i control is why is so hard not cry when some one say no or dont to me why do I get so defensive with people about think that really i cant change. I get so worked about so many thing and get all confused and no longer feel like i can handle who i am. I just want to be the nice me all the time i dont want to argu with poeple i dont want to be defensive with people I seem to happen and that where the anxiety come in to and the self harm behaviour and rocking and tapping. I almost feel like it a form or terettes (just discripitve) it feel like If i dont keep my self busy or back right now i know i going to do something I'll regrett later and want to say sorry for but by then it too late the damage is done. I'm so unpredictable it's not funny I dont blame people for not being able to handle me but I really do try to not do negative thing. 3 years ago i realised i was intensional distroying my happiness and since then I been really trying to not do it again but the anxiety was slowly getting worse and I was a basicly an agrophobic. I now on Luvox which has taken my coping method away bad as thay were thay were my copping method's. I'm now on a benzo to calm me and while that are working to stop my full blown panic attact's. The phone call today reminded me that i am still the person i alway was i still get affended easy i still can handle being told off on anylevel. I still cant handle being told to calm down I hate threat's of any kind and find my self getting defensive I cant seem to stop unless i stop talking.