View Full Version : Facing my fears after worst panic attack ever

08-10-09, 22:00
The last few days have been the worst Ive ever had. As my HA is mainly about melanoma. Anything to do with this sends my HA into overdrive. A few weeks ago I saw a friends wife bend down and she had a massive scar on her back. I nearly fainted as I knew it was probably Melanoma. I went crazy checking all my moles AGAIN. I have always been a little scared of one on my back even though 2 doctors said it was fine. I would check it about 30 times a day. Anyway the other night my husband and I were lying in bed and he said that he found out she did have Melanoma at stage 4. Her doctor had been saying it was fine and when she went to have a second opinion she was rushed into hospital. As you can imagine, I went into a full blown panic attack. The worst ever. My husband said I have to stop this craziness and the next morning I booked into seeing a new doctor. I broke down as soon as I walked into his office as Im so tired of being like this. He was wonderful and looked at my mole and decided to take it out (which I had done yesterday) Hopefully everything is OK. I know I will be panicing everytime the phone rings, scared its him telling me there is something wrong. He also gave me Diazepam to calm me down and has booked me into councelling. He has given me a full blood exam, urine and every other test available so I can stop worrying if something is wrong all the time. I really hope this is the beginning of a new me. I need my life back. Thanks for reading this. Fingers crossed everything will be OK.......xx