View Full Version : long term abdoman ache

08-10-09, 22:38
hi guys, been a good five years since my last post.got over most of my health issues but one remains, my constant stomach ache.i just wondered if anyone else suffers similar or can offer advice. let me outline my feelings.

i have, constantly, a feeling in the lower right side (left if you are looking at me) which never goes, but also gets better or worse, as in it varies. i cant seem to pinpoint its cause, not can i find a fix. This pain effects my lower rib as if its tender and sometimes makes the top of my pelvis on the same side ache. currently ist quite bad but i feel this may be work related as the last month had been stressfull (i am the owner of a company employing 17 staff, im 29) so its quit a fair bit of stress. Historicaly i have seen maybe 4 doctors about the same complaint. no of which could say it was anuthing. all felt my stomach, all said, "there's nothing really there to hurt" i have been given prescription zantac due to thinking its something stomach related.

i suffered with IBS dihorea and cramps as a kid but grew out of it in my early 20s.i also sometimes get heat-burn and acid reflux occasionaly. my side always feels tender and i flinch if the missus touches me there, though it doesnt actually hurt to touch - just feels like it might, and thats got en-grained in my head. im trying not to self diagnose. but i have purchased zantac which has doen nothing, im on green and peppermint tea now, cut out coffee. id just like to feel comfy again and not worry.it does feel bloated, like trapped gas sometimes (cold it be long term trapped wind), and also sometimes get a cold acid like reflux burn sensation in the lower right of my stomach occasional.

can anyone offer advice/help and things to try. id like to share my experiance and report back on my findings.im wondering if i should keep a food diary, however i feel it is stress related.also its important to note i guess that my regular bowel movement in tha AM is un disrupted, i have no appetite loss (thou sometimes when it bad i feel i don't really want to eat but i feel starving like i could so i do and have a good appetite)

please help



09-10-09, 13:43


09-10-09, 15:09
It sounds like classic IBS to me. If you had it as a kid there is a good chance it's that. I have IBS and I get pain on my left side and tenderness. If you have been checked out by the Doctor and nothing is found, then IBS is a real possibility. IBS is what they call "functional" meaning that no medical cause can be found, but the symptoms are real. When mine flares up I try to de-stress as much as possible (easier said than done I know) and try to eat the foods that don't irritate it. Keep on going with what you are doing and maybe try peppermint capsules or slippery elm bark.

One thing that you must not do (and I'm sure we all know how hard that is having anxiety) is to keep on going to the Doctors because in turn it will feed your anxiety and make your symptoms worse. Try to relax and not worry and hopefully you will get better soon.

14-10-09, 11:22
thank you very much for the reassurance and suggestions.

as you know its frustrating when symptoms change and no one can help. you feel helpless.

can anyone suggest any things to try. i did try peppermint capsules a while back but they didnt do a thing (though they solved the other type IBS i had when a kid.) are they stronger in prescription?

does any one have a suggested diet i could try. obviously if i notice a food that triggers it i can cut this out.

its kind of hard knowing were to start since i have it all the time and have done for years.

again, thank you for your help

PS - its on my right side, not left.

04-11-09, 23:40

04-11-09, 23:44
Have u read the IBS page on the left for diet advice?