View Full Version : I'm not alone !

08-10-09, 23:04
Hi everyone, i'm new here as you might have guessed. I've been suffering from depression for quite along time now and have recently been prescribed Quetiapine to be taken along side Sertraline. I have had results from blood tests this week and i have high blood sugar and cholesterol and put on over a stone in 6 weeks. Of course, i was really shocked and now have to adjust my diet accordingly. My partner has done a lot of searching to find out more about this and it does seem like this drug has some serious side effects that i wasn't really told about by my psychiatrist. Has anyone else had these problems ? Sorry to go on a bit for my first post.....:wacko: Hope to hear from any of you guys soon....Jill-Louise

08-10-09, 23:08
Hi Jill-Louise

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-10-09, 08:18
Thanks Nicola, i'm hoping that i will be able to swop stories with like minded people..........people who understand what i'm going through ! :)

09-10-09, 09:06
Welcome to NMP!!! I felt very alone before finding this sight and when I did it was such a wake up call to realise I'm not! I Hope you like it here as much as I do and get to feel the benifits too hun!!

Hugs Claire xxx

09-10-09, 09:17
Thanks Claire, i wasn't sure whether to sign up or not but i've already read a lot of interesting posts. Hope to get more into once i can access the chatroom. :yesyes: