View Full Version : Just thought i would ask for advice

08-10-09, 23:08
Hi All, have had anxiety and panic attacks for 4 weeks, just gone up to 20mg of Citrolopam (???) how long do these take to kick in from upgrading from 10mg to 20mg.

Just wanted to know if anyone else has the constant chest pain, and the feeling that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. My wife has been amazing for me but i dont think she can last much longer its taking a toll on her.

Just brought the Claire Weeks book and i must say its a good read. I'm sort of accepting the attacks and floating, i'm just worried at the moment about the letting the time pass. I know its only 4 weeks but it feels like a lifetime.

Does anyone else feel like a timebomb waiting to explode with a heart attack !!!???

Also does anyone else get wierd feelings like looking at your children and wondering if your going to be around to see them grow up, or is it just me ?


08-10-09, 23:19

I'm sure your chest pain is anxiety related. You won't take a heart attack because of this. You think about your life with your children because you are taking every symptom and yourself so seriously at the moment and think that you can't go on. But you can!! I'm sure the meds will start working and given time you will start to feel better and have a brighter outlook again. It's all about accepting how you feel just now, living with it for a bit longer and it will pass. Highlight any passages in Claire's book that makes you feel better and keep reading it over and over again until it makes you feel better. You'll feel better soon I'm sure.

08-10-09, 23:40
thanks myra for the word of encouragement, just the days drag and my mind is so tried of thinking all the time, the worst is i have a good day then the next day is awful and back to square one again !!

09-10-09, 18:55
Reading your story is like me talking, i have a younger sister who is now nine when i first started having panic attacks she was afew months old and i used to look at her and think that i would never see her grow up it was so scary but im here im alive and im living i have faced the fact that panic attacks are a part of who i am they make me a stronger person, im not going to coat them in sugar because that are not fun and they are bloody scary and so confusing but you have to accept them because if you dont you will spend your life fighting them and its exausting.
I still have them occasionally now and instead of heart worries i think there is something wrong with my head when im anxious but you will feel better and i know its hard to believe but they are harmless.
Stay strong and you'll be fine there is a light at the end of the tunnel for all of us x

09-10-09, 19:15
Hi Kevin
I have often worried if I'll see my kids get married etc (they're in their twenties now) and also have had the feeling that I'm about to have a heart attack. Don't know how to stop worrying about this when I'm in the middle of full blown anxiety but i know that when I start to feel just a little bit better then the feeling seems to give me confidence and I'm on way back to my old self.

Think with Citalopram that you'll start to feel the effects of the increased dose in a couple of weeks (but may even be sooner because you've already got some in your system). Hang in there, they will work and soon you'll notice a slightly lighter feeling just now and again and then you can build on that.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
