View Full Version : need real peoples advice please

08-10-09, 23:40
hi, i joined here for real advice and help that other people dont understand. i have been treated for anxiety very servere but i have turned agrophobic have a safety zone and can't go outside of it which adds to my anxiety. i am scared of trying new pills as they increase my anxiety tried buspirone and got so much worse had bad side effects to citlorpram all that has worked is 2.5 mg of diazepam 3 to 4 times a day to help manage and the doctor will now not prescribe as he said i am becoming addicted but i am already dependent on them and have been buying them online aware of the consequences but scared of living without them as i have three children to look after. the doctor has given me trazodone to try but i am to scared to take it which is adding to my anxiety. would love o hear from any one tat has shared any of the same experiences i am a 23 year old female otherwise healthy and can't understand the mess i am in as in life generally i am very happy thank you for taking the time of reading my post.x

08-10-09, 23:41
Hi lc2613

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-10-09, 09:54
Hi lc2613,
Welcome to the site.it has been a godsend to me..i just wanted to say try the meds the doc suggests, i have had to try so many to finally get one that works..ive had citalapram, zoloft, steraline bla bla... the problem was for me is i to just have post traumatic stress and servre anxitey like yourself..i was given a med two weeks ago called stelazine that has finally started to work and take the edge of my anxiety.....you will get through it, reading the threds on here has helped as people on here understand and are going through the same ..ive found when ever i posted a thred there are always people there ready to give a few kind words...if you ever want to chat im here... take care sam x

09-10-09, 22:58

I really hope you get a medicine that makes you feel better. I understand how you must feel - caught in a spiral of despair - but you can get out of it. Have you read any of Claire Weeke's books? Honestly, they will help you so much and she explains every symptom of anxiety, including agoraphobia. She also explains that no matter how long you have been suffering, or how bad you feel, you can get better. I can vouch for that. I can also understand about wanting to buy the drugs online, but I would keep following your doctor's advice and hopefully you'll find the right meds that mean you don't have to depend on the diazepam. You never know, this med he has given you could be the right one for you. I really hope you start to feel better soon. You'll get through it with the support of people on here as well who have been through exactly what you are feeling just now.
Take care

andrea thompson
09-10-09, 23:29
hi hon
i can really sympathise with you, coping with anxiety is enough to deal with on its own without the added pressures of family life and agrophobia. i started with anxiety nine years ago and it quickly developed into agrophobia. the dr prescribed seroxat and i was given counselling by a mental health nurse who visited me at home about once a fortnight for a period - this really helped, the meds calmed me down enough to be able to rest properly and the counselling reassured me that what i was feeling was normal, which in turn made me feel normal. understanding what was happening to me helped me to cope with the symptoms i was experiencing.
i am off the meds now and lead a farely normal life but have recently had a miscarraige and i am experiencing some of the old feelings and hoping they will pass soon.
i have found great comfort in reading and relating to other peoples battles with similar illness, please read the stories about how people can cope and have overcome their fears, it really helps, speak to your dr about counselling, its not for everyone but it worked for me.
i havent used alternative therapies myself but have friends who have used hypnotherapy and accupuncture and apparently its marvelous!!!!!
please take care, be strong and you will get through this!!!

andrea x x

13-10-09, 23:10
thankyou all for the advice and support i moved house on saturday and have managed to make it home and walk to the nearest shop with my partner walking behind but still cant be left alone feel i have made progress then have a bad day still havent taken the trazodone so worried about increased anxiety or insomnia and taking care of my children if i get the side effects so still on the diazepam is there any one that has used diazepam long term and got through the problem i would love to hear your experiences. thanks x

14-10-09, 00:05
hi, I completely hear where you are comming from, at times it can feel like you cant cope, but I always say to myself that it is never as bad as you think it is. With regard to the medication...I took citalopram for almost a year and went through the same as you, very very scared to take it and stop taking it. What I would suggest above anything else is realising medication isnt the only answer, counselling is just as important if not more so. If I had only taken the citalopram I know 100% I would not as come as far I have now. Your gp can refer you a a counsellor, in my experience I felt I needed to see a psychiatrist which I had to go privately for as the waiting list was into into the months with the NHS. I know you want help from people hear and no have no doubt at all that that this will be a great place to assit you, but there can be no substitute for professional 1 to 1 help,

14-10-09, 00:11
i have had councilling and seen a number of phychiatrists in the past and tried hypnotherapy and none have ever seemed to of helped in the past i have realised i cant do it alone and am on the waiting list for councilling again which may or may not help time will tell but it is the only way of getting congignitive behavioural therapy what is what i think i need but as you say the waiting time is ridiculous but thankyou for the advice x