View Full Version : Advice on what you would do in this situation..OPINIONS & HELP PLEASE!

09-10-09, 00:07
As per my other post..I went for an ultrasound today to check on my ovaries as I'd been having some pain..I'm hoping it's just IBS as that has flared up lately and that is it...and feel ok apart from that but not knowing results is killing me and I feel like I'm going to burst with anxiety. The hospital rang and said there may be a small chance the results may be back tomorrow afternoon but they can't guarantee.

My question is: Should I straight away get on the phone and call tomorrow afternoon and annoy the Doctor? or should I not FEED my anxiety and know that if there were a big problem the Doctor would call (as she told me she would) and wait till Monday and try like hell to get thru the weekend and not be beside myself with worry and make myself iller than I have today? I want to stop giving in to anxiety and get my life back and try to cope as I'm sure there will be times in the future when I go for tests and have to be patient and wait, it's just my anxiety gets so bad and I get so impatient I make myself ill with worry.

Advice please? Any thoughts or insight would really help, thanks

09-10-09, 01:17
its a normal thing to be anxious over, even when anxiety is'nt an everyday problem people worry over test results.

it seems to me its in our nature to look at the worst case scenario, try to think positive and remember that in all likelihood you're fine.

09-10-09, 02:59
I just had a similar situation, but I told the woman performing the ultrasound I was very anxious and she told me exactly what she was seeing, so I didn't have to worry while I waited for my doctor to call.
I think all of us should work on ways of managing our anxiety, not "feeding" it as you say. But at this point in my struggle with HA, I think do what you have to do to not be anxious. When the doctors office called and left me a message to call them back, I immediately panicked thinking, oh no, there is something the radiologist missed. I called and called and the doctor or nurse was not available. I finally explained to the receptionist that I was very nervous about the results, and was hoping to get them right away as I had to go to work. She said fine, I can read you your file but I can't answer any medical questions. The file said my results were normal.
My point is, I'm not embarrassed I bugged them. Whether you have HA or not, doctors can be awful about getting back to you. And you have to do what you have to do to not worry yourself sick. I personally made huge steps in the fact that I made the ultrasound appointment, something I would have been too scared to do before, did not panic through it, and I thought, hey I deserve not to have to wait.
Because that is definitely the hardest part.
I personally think being up front about your anxiety and bugging them to get the results is totally ok. Whatever you need to get you through!