View Full Version : really bad headache

09-10-09, 07:57
day 3 of cit and i cant shift this headache its there when i wake up and when i go to bed tryed taking paracetomols but it dosnt take it off also kept waking last night with panic attacks has anyone else had these symptoms im thinking about stopping this tablet because this headache is scareing me so much xx

09-10-09, 08:38
Hiya, I got extremely bad headaches and also was having panic attacks in the night in the first week I started ADs. The panic attacks went after about a weeks and the headaches got less severe, but I do still get dull headaches now - week 6 +.

09-10-09, 09:28
just had the worst panic attack ever feel like im getting worse on these meds :(

mum to three
09-10-09, 11:07
Hi i am on week 4 of 20mg and i too have been suffering really intense headaches and thought there was something seriously wrong with me but thankfully they have settled down and i have went from headache every day to maybe once a week which clears with painkillers, take care x

09-10-09, 14:41
my headaches have seemed to calm down slightly today im just getting really bad panic attacks today xxxx

09-10-09, 15:19
Its quite normal for the panic /anxiety to be a lot worse when you start on this .It will go and they do get less .Its just the meds getting in your system .It shows they are doing something ..Hang in there , Love Sue x:hugs:

10-10-09, 08:37
my headaches have settled today day 5 but i have left arm pain and tingling in my arm tender muscles etc and sickness does anyone no if this is normal xx

10-10-09, 12:44
Yes its perfectly normal for you to feel like this too .Ifelt really sick for 2 weeks ,and had muscle pain and tingling .It does pass ...Try drinking smoothies and complan milk drinks if you cant eat much ..Take care Luv Sue xx:hugs:

10-10-09, 13:42
ill give tht a go today instesd of starving myself i feel like i have the flu but without the cold does tht sound weird

mum to three
10-10-09, 18:10
Flu without the cold that totally sums up the side effects i experienced in the first few weeks, hope you feel better soon, take care x

10-10-09, 19:36
When I started in Citalopram, I suffered with some terrible headaches/migraines that would last up to 3 days sometimes. As time as gone on I dont get headaches any more. It is just one of the side effects and it will eventually pass and you wont get them again hopefully.
I found having something to eat at the same time as taking Cit really helped with not getting so many side effects for some reason.
If I take on an empty stomach I get cramps and a heavy feeling in my head.
It does get better but it just takes time with citalopram I have found anyway.

11-10-09, 10:39
ty for all comments you have all helped me heaps and helped me to carry on taking thm xxxx