View Full Version : Fits and seizures?

09-10-09, 10:04
Hello everyone - I'm new here, only joined today. It's really nice to see such a friendly forum for people who suffer from anxiety disorders etc such as I do.

Firstly, there was a question I wanted to ask.
For the 5 years I've been diagnosed with the anxiety disorder, I have suffered from unconscious seizures, waking up with chronic chest pains and a complete lack of knowledge regarding where I am, who I am, and who the people are around me. These episodes are always triggered by a panic attack. I had an MRI scan and the results came back clear, so now the doctors refer to them as non-epileptic seizures, which of course is a good thing. But at the same time, it means we're not sure how to treat it yet.

Does anybody else suffer from these turns whilst having a panic attack?

Thanks for reading, hope to hear back from you :)

J x

Veronica H
14-10-09, 08:41
:welcome:Jay. Glad that you have found us. I have not come across this symptom of panic anxiety before but there are many others, some of which we share and others which we donot. We are all different in the way our bodies react to anxiety. You will find comfort, support and understanding here.


18-10-09, 10:37
Thankyou very much Veronica :) I had wondered if anyone else came to the point of blacking out and fitting like I do, and I'm sure there are, I wondered if it was a trait that wasn't so rare, seeing as the test showed that I had nothing physically wrong.
Thankyou for your help x

18-10-09, 14:10
Hi Jay

I have to say that i haven't heard of this one either but in saying that, the mind is a very complex thing and nothing would surprise me really. I hope you get some answers and a huge welcome along to NMP.

Take care of youself

18-10-09, 15:51
Before I came on this site, I thought the mind couldn't possibly trick you into having so many symptoms.
Boy have I been proved wrong ,try not to worry too much.
We are all here for you.

16-01-10, 12:17
Thankyou so much for your kind answers everyone :) x

16-01-10, 12:35
Hello Jay, nice to hear from you. I read your post with interest as I have a son with epilepsy, although I must admit I don't know anything about non epileptic seizures. But I'm sure they must be able to do something to help you with this. There will be people who have this who are receiving treatment, I'm sure. Sounds as though they will have to investigate what the triggers are for you. I hope they get to the bottom of it. Maybe even trying to drastically reduce your anxiety will help. Different symptoms are unique to different people. Let us know how you are getting on. You'll get lots of support here.

16-01-10, 22:56
Hey Jay,

its hard to tell with me but theres been a few (not many) occasions where i've fainted, and whether thats due to panic or not is whats hard to tell.

Let us know how you get on, i'll be interested to hear.
best of luck mate

02-02-10, 20:04
hi there, I cannot offer you any promises, but if you are interested in spiritual healing, then please look up " raymond brown". I am seeing him at the moment and he is sorting me out. He is a wonderful man who is letting a spirit surgeon work through him. I have no doubt at all that he can help you.

Please let me know how you get on!