View Full Version : Another silly one

09-10-09, 11:55
I am crazy, it seems...

A few days ago out of the blue I noticed a black mole on my left breast. I started freaking out because I thought I had a tiny light-coloured mole/freckle there but not this black one and black moles turning up overnight are not a good sign.

Yep, you have guessed. My black bra actually "painted" the mole black. I realised because when I wore a white one two days straight the mole went back to normal colour. And I was going to book an appointment with an oncologist/dermatologist straight away! :D

But now I am thinking about throwing the bra away...

09-10-09, 18:54
What a relief it is when you can find a logical explanation. Made me smile; my main cancer phobia is breast and I have thrown bras away before because they have caused concern one way or another - to some it might seem extreme, but if people understood how these things tip the balance they would understand.

Cell block H fan
09-10-09, 19:23
lol I have a bra that irritates enough to of had me thinking something was wrong in the past. I dont wear it anymore.
I did actually have a mole on a nipple that had black dots on it. Was embarrassing asking the doc about it, & him getting his magnifying glass out! LOL But it was fine apparently.

10-10-09, 12:46
I remember a similar thing. I wore a black top and when I went to have a shower my armpits were bruised badly. I nearly fainted. It wasnt until after the shower I realized it was ink. Also I have resorted to wearing only sports tops instead of bras as I get skin tags easily and always think they are new moles. Not as sexy as I used to be thats for sure. HA is ugly. :D

10-10-09, 14:56
I had a bad experience with a pair of new jeans for my then year old daughter. I was horrified when after changing her nappy I noticed her legs had turned a tinge of blue and her hands too. I rushed her to a nurse who lived a few doors away and imagine my embarrassment when she pointed out this blue was allover her vest and hem of her top too!
Take care,