View Full Version : advice for friend who thinks shes Bi-polar

09-10-09, 11:59
hiya i was just wondering if the is anyone out there that is Bi-polar who can give me some comforting advice for my good friend,,i know shes researching herself ,,but there nothing like getting advice from people who are going through the illness. she hasnt as yet been diagnosed but her and her mum are almost convinced this is what she has,,she is a member on nmp but is to nervous to post for herself and i just want to help her in anyway i can,,so please if your out there can you give me the lowdown on what we are looking for ,,medications ,,help with who she should be seeing,,,and it will also help me be there for her,,sorry if i spelt bi-polar wrong also,,thankyou in advance theresa :hugs:

09-10-09, 13:50
Having been in the same position as you, with a significant person in my life..she needs to see a professional who can properly diagnose her. There is nothing you can advise her as far as meds. This is a very complex disorder in which depression or mania can predominate or alternate, sometimes over days, sometimes within minutes, leaving their family and friends totally baffled. This is not something a friend can just treat with talking.

There are tons of books on this and there are books for the family and friends but she needs to see a good psychiatrist (NOT a psychologist) because she may need meds. Only he or she can determine if she is in fact bipolar. This takes time and testing. So...as a friend, I would say urge her to get a diagnosis so she can get on with her life in a comfortable way. Bipolar disorder can be treated.

10-10-09, 21:39
Thank you for posting this treez :)

I am the friend treez speaks of, through my reasearch I am 99% sure I am bipolar. I've not come to this conclusion lightly. I am booked into see my gp next week and my cpn the week after. Up till now I've been treated for anxiety, depression and selfharming. However I am making little progress and seem to be spiraling out of control. I've caused some problems at home recently with my behavour and people are starting to notice something is not right. I'm scared of what will happen when I tell my gp, I'm scared I wont say the right things to him :weep: I'll be taking my mum with me for support, she is very understanding and just wants to get me help so I can get better.

10-10-09, 21:53

Glad you posted yourself. You have a really nice friend in Treez!! Also sounds like you have a great mum! This is when you really know who your friends are. Please don't be afraid to speak to your doctor. Tell him everything. With the right help, understanding and medication you can lead a normal life. My friend is bipolar. She has taken lots of meds over the years but they have helped her to cope with it. With the right help you can get through this. I am thinking of you all the way:bighug1:
Take care
Myra x