View Full Version : New to site

09-10-09, 17:58
Hi I am new to this site and just wanted to say why i Joined.
I have suffered with anxiety/ depression/ low self esteem for years, I think it was because of the lifestyle I used to lead in my twenties that did it. I went through the 'experimental stage' tried most drugs, not sleeping and generally not looking after myself landed me in deep trouble
I will never forget the first panic attack I had. My legs turned to jelly and I couldnt breath, feel my hands or legs due to pins and needles and felt like I was going to faint or worse die.
I continued to use drugs for some time untill one very bad experience with an E, changed everything. I Had a panic attack and tunnel vision kicked in and for one moment I thought I had actually died as I felt I had left my body. I t was the most scariest thing thats ever happened to me and have had problems with taken ordinary medication and worries with my health ever since.
I also suffer with an addiction, my addiction is a little unique but its very real, but Im not ready to tell all yet and no its not drugs:winks:

09-10-09, 18:00
Hi Lawrie

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-10-09, 18:08
Think we've all been there a bit .... not the drugs, but the crazy lifestyle. I put it down to chaotic childhood and desperately seeking affection. Anyway, that's all in the past now .,,, it's the future we need to concentrate on!!!!

09-10-09, 18:26
Hi nice to meet you Lawrie,

i understand the crazy life style as well i'm still going through it my self and to be truthful to you i dont ever think this will pass for me but thats my thoughts. :yesyes:

Any way i just wanted to welcome you and i agree with Jilly B that it is the past you can look back if you want but if you keep looking back you may stay in the past so take today for today worry about tomorrow's worrys tomorrow and it will come if its not important you won't need to its the future we must all live now just got to move on and look to the future.

Hope i helped you out and it was nice meeting you.

Take care of your self

09-10-09, 18:29
Sounds like you'd have an interesting story to tell. Good luck :winks: