View Full Version : Heart worries

09-10-09, 21:21
I've just had an ecg (doc sent me for one because of ectopics) and doc said it was all clear except for slow heart rate which she put down to blood pressure tablets needing adjusting because I've lost weight and am a lot fitter. She's reduced my Atenolol from 50mg to 25mg. Have worried since then that all is not ok and been googling symptoms and now come up with possibility (eventually) of atrial fibrillation. How have i got to this stage - nothing has changed since last week when I felt fine until I saw doc for routine check up. Am working myself up into full blown panic attack and can't get the thought out of my mind that my heart is going to do something crazy and the ectopics I get now and again (which I didn't worry too much about before) are the start of af. Am scared to do too much exercise although I was fine before, I just can't switch off from these thoughts.
Can anyone help - please.

09-10-09, 23:32
Hi daisymaisy. Sorry you are having an anxious time. I have been there often over many health issues. However, your ECG is clear and the slow heart rate is down to the tablets...so you are fine. Actually, you are better than fine as your BP has probably improved due to your loss of weight and exercise, so you should be pleased and proud of yourself. You know that the feelings you have are down to health anxiety and truly, they will pass. Try to get back to exercising and avoid Dr Google!!
You really are fine. Sending some hugs and best thoughts :hugs::hugs:

10-10-09, 09:43
Thanks for your reply Mhairi. I know it's just my thoughts controlling the symptoms but just finding it hard to distract myself at the moment. It's the weekend so got lots of housework that will hopefully take my mind off things. My doc has given me a couple of tranquilisers in the past just to get me over the worst couple of days but was trying to sort it on my own this time. Will see how I go - if I can get a couple of hours of peace then I know I can do it.
Thanks again.xx