View Full Version : Bachs rescue remedy

09-10-09, 21:44
Hi ive been hearing alot of people saying that they have used the rescue remedies why have i ever heard of this and where do i get it from.
Does it have any side affects and is it ok to take with citroplam??

09-10-09, 21:47
Well I sell it in the online shop here or you can get it from any good chemist.

It is fine with Citalopram

09-10-09, 21:51
I've been using Bach's for the past month ever since I started having panic attacks. There are no side effects. I use the day and night one although the day one does have alchohol in.
I have no idea how it works but it really seems to help me. It got me through a shopping trip this evening on Oxford Street in the crowds and rain.

09-10-09, 21:55
Yes that one is really good and if you go to Boots they have specific ones for specific problems...Bachs Rescue Remedy is said to 'calm and reassure' which I always keep in my bag with me and then I also have another one that I bought from Boots which deals with fear and panic directly so more for use whilst having a panic attack which I also always have with me! :) I recommend both because they are really useful :) xx

sarah jayne
09-10-09, 22:05
im definately going to give it a try x

09-10-09, 22:23
Here is the link to the items in my online shop if you are interested.


10-10-09, 10:57
Hi Candee!
Could you tell me the name of the remedy you take specifically for panic and fear?
Thanks. Judy.x

10-10-09, 11:37
sorry to butt in im looking for somehting with no side effects do they have any?

most tablets for anxiety and panic have awfull side effects.

just looking for something to ease my panic.

10-10-09, 12:01
No side effects mum - they are totally natural ingredients

10-10-09, 13:07
thinks nic im going to look in and get some ill try ur shop.

10-10-09, 13:20
Personally found that Bach's didn't work for me - but that's not to say it does not help other's - I think the bitter taste of it was what put me off - sensitive taste buds lol

Goodluck Mum - Hope it helps you

10-10-09, 15:16
Hello Mojo,

It is called Rock Rose Flower Remedy...I have attached below the description off the Bach's Remedy website :)

Hope this helps you as it has done for me :) Let me know

Candy xx

Rock Rose (Helianthenum Nummularium) is the Bach Flower Remedy against terror, and as such is an important ingredient in Rescue Remedy. The Rock Rose state may start out as a Mimulus, Aspen or Red Chestnut state, but it is further along the path from any of these, being a panicky, terrorstruck fear that makes conscious thought and decision next to impossible.

Dr. Bach's Description: The rescue remedy. The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accident or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified or if the condition is serious enough to cause great fear to those around.

10-10-09, 15:25
yes i have used it for years..remember to take nice deep breaths after the spray and relax and think calm.....goodluck x

10-10-09, 17:45
there was a tv show about rescue remedy saying that there is no scientific evedence to back up there claims that it works! but i swear it does, i dont care if it is a placebo or not its always in my hand bag!!!! and i found that there is also a night remedy to aid sleep and sweets which is always a bonus to me that a sweety can be seen as a good thing to your health!!! give anything a bash, there is nothing to lose!

10-10-09, 18:34
Thanks Candee, Tasia and Blessing, I will get some and give it a try. Anything that calms me down a bit would be great. I am having a really bad time at the moment.

10-10-09, 18:38
I saw pharmacist this morning to ask about taking something to calm me down and she said to take a Vitamin B complex tablet once a day. She said it's good if you're stressed and it doesn't interfere with any other drugs. Just thought I'd mention it. x

10-10-09, 21:19
Hi Daisymaisy i spoke to my doctor and he said the same thing that a vitamin b complex would be good to take when stressed. I think i am going to try it and see how it go's i'll let you all know. x x

11-10-09, 19:45
my mothers friend is a herbal man with letters after his name. when i was really bad with anxity he gave me

- vit B complex ( said it has to be the good stuff not your cheap £1 from the supermarket) its for your nervous system and energy, as we lose so much panicing.

- lemon balm tea for a calming effect

- rescue remedy

-vit C as i was so run down

- fruit and veg( cut out the junk)

- and Arnica for my moments of madness, sorry thats sheer panic to others!

oh and calms, the sleepy ones! was i not a walking chemist or what but i swear it all works.

11-10-09, 20:20
Thank you Blessing...going to give that a try :D xxx

11-10-09, 20:29
Blessing i have brought some Vit B complex and am going to start taking them tomorrow, i am also going to try some of the other the things you mentioned thank you for telling us about them. x x

Candee you mentioned before about something you could get in boots especially for panic and fear would you be able to give me the name please so that i could give that a try please? Thank you x x :)

14-10-09, 02:23
I've been taking B-complex and vit D, A, C, E, Protein Powder and cod liver oil for over 2 months. I haven't noticed to much of a difference yet, except I get a bit restless after taking a high dose of B complex. *gives me energy I assume for my afternoon walks* My vitamin D3 hormone level was tested and it was on the low side. My doctor said he would like it to come up alot more. along with my HDL chlorestorol level. *the good kind* B- complex is good for you.

14-10-09, 09:37
Hey Hannah...it is called Rock Rose Flower Remedy...Give it a try :) ... its on the website too xxx

22-10-09, 15:33
I put a couple of drops in a bottle of water and take it everywhere with me


sarah jayne
22-10-09, 16:49
ive tried bachs rescue remedy but it doesnt work for me :(