View Full Version : I am dying to Live or Living to Die

09-10-09, 22:52
Seems like i have lost everything, health, Love, amibition, dont seem to have no friends (funny enough the all disappear at the time of need lol), will to live,

how do u deal with this. please forgive me for lack of words, Just dont know anymore.

09-10-09, 23:11
You seem very low and I really hope you are attending your g.p. about this. Things can and will get better given time. There's always light at the end of the tunnel - sometimes you just need a huge torch before you find it!! If your friends have given up then you have to ask yourselves were they really friends? Keep going, keep getting help, and keep taking support from people on here and you can't go wrong:yesyes:
Take care

10-10-09, 00:36
it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you feel so low.
you have to want to help your self, you got to love yourself, and know that you deserve to be happy.
maybe try going to your doctor? helplines? chat to the members here for support.
when I feel low all I want it a hug and it does suck when there's no one to give. you one.
do you have a pet maybe?
I find my cat helps me to feel less lonely.

19-10-09, 18:33
a famous quote by 2Pac nevertheless