View Full Version : Does anyone else have...

10-10-09, 05:33
weird numbing like sensations on legs, etc.
It's not exactly NUMB because I can still feel it but it just feels weird and has been going on for about a month.
Anxiety related? possibly? help!

10-10-09, 12:25
I get a weird weak feeling in my arms and legs sometimes and I start to think, "oh what the heck is this" but I think it is anxierty realated because as soon as i am distracted it goes off..................... Anxiety is a pig!

11-10-09, 12:34
Does it feel kind of like a buzzing feeling? I get this in bed and it is usually a sign of adrenaline trying to get the panic going!

11-10-09, 17:05
I haven't actually been diagnosed by my doctor as having anxiety, but after having a series of tests done and feeling releived when they all came back normal i came to realise that maybe i was suffering from anxiety after going through a heartbreaking situation at the beginning of the year and not accpeting it, which then took its toll months later.

I started to experience strange feelings in my legs where i would be sitting in my car and it would be like someone was throwing cold water over the tops of my legs, i was such a weird sensation and i would i always pinch my legs to see i could still feel them because they were so cold.

I don't know if this will help, but i have experienced so many different symptoms of anxiety which disappear when i stop worrying so figure its all down to anxierty over worrying about the most silliest little things, which may never even happen.