View Full Version : hello - I'm new on here

10-10-09, 10:42
Hi everyone. I registered on here a while back but this is my first post. I am anxious over many (most) things but in particular health. I have read the article on here about health anxiety and that is me. It was reassuring to realise that other people must feel the same as me. I am in my 50s and it is getting steadily worse, the older I get. I am currently on 150mg trazodone and 10mg zolpiden + 2mg diazepam when needed. Nothing seems to help - I am desperate and feel I have exhausted all possibilities of finding help. i am constantly at the doctors and have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and that has sent me over the edge completely. EVERY waking moment is filled with thinking about and researching my symptoms - i need help!

10-10-09, 10:47
Hi emeraldgirl

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-10-09, 13:34
Health anxiety can be very frustrating-- it is one of the main things I worry about. I always think the worst too and also spend a lot of time researching my symptoms.

Once you've learned about your disease or illness, researching further seems to just make you paranoid/scared/panicky. And the internet is a horrible place to go because people who have had an illness rarely go on and post good things; it's just the few people who have had a bad go at it.

I'm trying to limit the time I let myself look on-line at my symptoms, or just try to avoid it in general. It seems to help a bit-- perhaps it would make you feel better too.

10-10-09, 15:39

i have been suffering for years...i just dont know what to do anymore

10-10-09, 16:20
Hi Emeraldgirl Tamachan & Help nice to have you onboard this merry ship. You'll all find on the site lots of valuable peices of information that will help you.

Emeraldgirl - I too have CKD have you been told what stage it is? I am also in your age bracket as well - if you'd like to chat about this - please don't hessitate to contact me

All the best xx

10-10-09, 16:34
Hi Emeraldgirl, I'm a newbie here too. I've just found this site, thanks god!!!:yahoo:
Welcome :bighug1:

11-10-09, 14:39
Thanks for all your messages - I'm hoping to learn from you all as well as try to be a support for the rest of you