View Full Version : last nights eastenders

10-10-09, 14:21
Who watched eastenders last night and what did you think of how they portrayed Stacy's breakdown and treatment.....?

10-10-09, 14:40
:hugs:i watched - it terrified yet kept me glued to the screen.:hugs:
We watched how Staceys mom Jean went through a similar trauma earlier this year.
Posters on here said that it was a very honest portrayal of someone with this problem.
I do find it hard to watch someone in such distress - BUT - if it helps people to understand, then it is good to show it.
I suffer from panic attacks (for years) and it was not until some of the celebrities began admitting that they suffer from panic that i was better understood by my family:blush:
Best wishes

10-10-09, 14:51
I watched it last night and had a huge lump in my throat. That girl will probably get an award for her acting. Her portrayal of someone suffering a breakdown in manic depression was so true to life. The sad fact being that this is how people feel going through this. It made me think of people who go through this untreated and have no-one to turn to. I often wonder if these are some of the people we see wandering the streets, sitting on pavements, drunk or on drugs. Mental illness still has a stigma but the sad fact is that it can happen to any of us at any time. Having suffered with anxiety and depression before I take a great interest in this. At least if you have a broken leg people can see it. It's only the mentally ill that can feel their torment. So yes, I think her portrayal was excellent.

10-10-09, 14:54
Thats good you found it a positive thing. I too was moved and upset by the distress of it all and had mixed feelings as to whether such a sensitive issue had been handled well or not...
I do wonder if it showed bi-polar as a dangerous paranoic condition...
Just wondered what other people thought..
love Ruby

10-10-09, 14:55
Yes ,she acted it really well...the torment

10-10-09, 15:19
:hugs:The only down side to that part was the seeming indifference of the medics involved - too cold / too hard / uncaringly harsh.
Jean knew it had to be done but it was breaking her heart to se her daughter so roughly handled.:weep:
On a lighter note - what will Bradley do???
Best wishes

10-10-09, 15:21
I understand what you mean - that everyone might think if you're bipolar this is how you will end up. Paranoid and manic. Obviously not everyone will show those symptoms - they were definitely at the higher end of the spectrum of this type of depression. My friend has bi-polar and if she's down she really just wants to sleep a lot. I think it really portrayed how some people will be. How awful must that be. My heart goes out to them. Yes, it was difficult and heart-breaking to watch and probably did upset lots of people.

10-10-09, 15:54
she was excellent in it, i was crying my eyes out

anx mum
10-10-09, 17:19
Think stacey plays a great part in eastenders never watched it last night but hope she ends up with bradley dont like his new gfriend

10-10-09, 19:30
I think they were pushing the bipolar a bit far. She seems to have more likely symptoms of schizophrenia. Sadly the way they are treating her is true but what other way to treat someone in that state

10-10-09, 19:51
She is psychotic Paul ,not everyone with bipolar has this ,but its very true to life for the ones who unfortunately do .Brilliant acting from stacey and her mum ,Its good to see this topic on prime time Tv Sue

10-10-09, 20:05
I watched it last night and thought the actress did a really good job, not that I have any experience of bi-polar. I felt it was sad to watch and quite scary but thats a good thing so people can see what it is like for people suffering from mental illness. I know hollyoaks are doing a schizophrenia storyline at the moment but its only really young people that watch that. I wish they would do more storylines about OCD, only hollyoaks did and even then it was the very stereotypical "cleaning" obsessions, so still people think its just a fear of germs when there is so much more to it.
Anyway, I actually felt quite upset after watching eastenders, even though its not real because people actually do suffer like that :(.

11-10-09, 11:00
I watched it as well , i have been saying for a whilethat the actress that plays stacey is very very good ..although this bipolar storyline is scaring ...i am woorried than one day i will allucinate or hear voices ...-:(