View Full Version : Get this pain away! Anything,advice?Feel like screaming

10-10-09, 15:12
The left side of my face and neck are on fire. I've taken cocodamol 500mg and it's not helped.I went to the doctor on Thursday and she gave me predisnolone steroids for my chest and almond oil for my ear as it is so compact with wax which is okay.. But I can't get the pain away..

My face is roasting,I feel sick,can hardly walk about and just need serious pain relief. I feel like screaming.I can hardly open my jaw to talk.

Anyone know any sorts of thing to help?

10-10-09, 15:27
I feel for you. Are you able to take ibuprofen? (nurofen). This is an anti-inflammatory that you can take alongside anything with paracetamol. What about wrapping up some ice (bag of frozen peas) in a towel and holding it against your face where's it's hot? I hope you get some relief soon. It's rotten when you're in pain.
p.s. don't put the ice straight on your face, remember to wrap it in a towel