View Full Version : Clicking in Ear

10-10-09, 16:28
I posted a few days ago over a bad cold. I had a lot of ear pressure, post-nasal drip, etc.

I have started antibiotics, and I felt MUCH better yesterday-- except for two things: 1.) I feel nauseated in the morning, and have for about the past 5 days. and 2.) there is a persistent clicking in my left ear when I swallow or yawn.

Is this normal? Has anyone had a persistent click in their ear and did it go away? Could my anxiety just be making it worse? I feel like a crazy person...

mum to three
10-10-09, 18:06
I have had the ear clicking on a few occassions and it just goes away itself. I have found it to be worse during or after i have had the cold as your ears, nose and throat are all connected. Take care and hope you feel better soon x

10-10-09, 18:31
Could antibiotics be causing nausea do you think? I have had clicking in my ear (I get a lot of sinus problems so sometimes ears get bit blocked too) and it just goes away eventually. It's nothing to worry about - just your head clearing from the cold.

Hope it goes away soon. x

10-10-09, 18:47
Thanks for your replies all! It makes me feel a lot better to know that other people have had this clicking after a cold. Of course, I googled ear clicking, and found a vast amount of people with the same "I once got a clicking in my ear and it never went away and I'm dying slowly." I really need to stay off google.

I think the antibiotics, some undue stress, etc. could be causing the nausea, but it's bothersome because all I want to do is sleep, but I can't.

I hate getting sick because my anxiety goes through the roof. I've felt a lot of derealization and such since getting sick, and I was just starting to have that under control. So disappointing :(

10-10-09, 19:02
Stop googling!!! i've been doing that lately and it's made my anxiety levels soar. I'm sure now the antibiotics have started to work that you'll begin to feel better soon and your anxiety will lessen. Easy for me to advise people but just don't put my advice into practice - lol!:D

10-10-09, 20:38
Seems like we have a lot in common with our health anxiety. Don't you ever wish anxiety made you obsess about how great and healthy you look everyday instead of worrying if a bug bite is cancer?

I looked at your posts about heart problems-- hopefully this anxiety clears up for you as well.

I've been trying to laugh at myself for all the undue anxiety about my health-- my boyfriend once stopped me when I was in a downward spiral, and just said "what if there's a worm in my head that eats brains and poops tumors!"

I try to think of that to get a good laugh and realize how I'm just obsessing.

11-10-09, 13:17
Hi, yes we're our own worst enemies at times aren't we. It's strange that there's only certain health issues I worry about (heart being the favourite one) and others I don't give a second thought to. Once I start I can't stop for a while and it'll take me a couple of days to calm down. I think I'm feeling a bit calmer now. My husband doesn't worry about anything although he's got a few health problems himself. I think it's just your general outlook on life - sometimes I can be a glass half empty type although I'm trying to correct this!! Hope you're feeling better today.xx

11-10-09, 15:42
I am feeling a bit better today-- maybe with the cold getting under control, I can start to work on my panic/derealization.

It is funny with health anxiety that you tend to "pick and choose" what to obsess over. I'll get rashes, or chest pain, or muscle twitches and not give it a second thought, but by god, if my ear clicks, it's over haha!

We should definitely try to be glass half full people!

11-10-09, 15:52
Now clicking in my ear doesn't bother me - maybe we should swap symptoms then we wouldn't worry at all!:yesyes: Would be great to be worry free (although if I had nothing to worry about that would probably worry me too - lol) Least we can laugh about it - sometimes!! xx

11-10-09, 15:56
PS If your ear still feels a bit bunged up maybe doc could syringe them if he thinks it needs to be done - he can check this really easily. It doesnt take long - bit of a weird sensation but is ok and over and done with in a couple of mins. Just thought I would mention it. Had it done on Friday and has made a bit of difference cos I felt sometimes like I was under water!