View Full Version : Ive had it

10-10-09, 18:11
Another setback, the biggest one this far. I feel as if Im drained out of life, hope and everything. Been Fighting G.A.D, Panicanxiety, Social Phobia and all fro as long as I can remember. I had a period where I was running out in the woods cause i wanted to get into shape, and it felt good. And I was happy with my progress cause I done so well. But now, this setback.... just feel like letting go. Dont care if I fall back into being kneedeep in G.A.D. So tired with myself, ashamed and feelings of guilt. For everything and nothing.

How can I get back on track. Please someone out there. Help me, somehow. I dont wanna be here, in this place, in this mood within me. I know I can, I did so well. Now that I "fell" again. It just feels like it doesnt matter how much I struggle. Im not worth anything and dont deserve anything. I know somewhere that it isnt true. But I wanna love myself, I wanna give myself credit for the amazing work I've done. But all I done today is cry and take Atarax to calm my anxiety. :scared15:

10-10-09, 23:37
[SIZE="3"]Sounds like you could do with a hug:hugs:.We all have set backs ,or blips ,Thats all they are and they do go .Sometimes they happen because something or someone triggers them off ,ie stress or a dificult time at home or work .Dont look at it as your fault its not ,you are worth something and you deserve to be proud of yourself .You have beaten this before and you will again .Try to take each day at a time and get plenty of rest Being overtired is another reason you get anxiety .Do things that are relaxing and stop being hard on yourself .Filling your mind with negative thoughts will only feed your anxiety .The more notice you take of the syptoms the worse it gets ,so accept it and get on with what you are doing ,the less notice you take ,the quicker it goes away ..Tommorow is another day,and you need to believe that this will pass and you will be back to where you were before ..But this time you will be even stronger than before .Take care! and please do what works to relax yourself[ ,I swear by deep breathing and relaxation .I start as soon as I open my eyes in the morning ,it slows my mind before the anxiety has chance to take over .. Im sure you will feel better soon .Hugs Sue :hugs:/SIZE] xx

10-10-09, 23:47
I can understand your feelings at the moment. It is so dissapointing when we have a setback. It is easier said than done I know, but try and be positive, maybe write down how well you have been until recently, think about how you got there, how well you have done.

You need not be ashamed of being where you are at the moment nor guilty. It is exhauting battling with emotions so expect to feel tired and drained, but don't be hard on yourself for feeling this way.

You have done this before and you will do it again. You have proved to yourself it can be done. Give yourself time and praise yourself every step of the way...you deserve it.

Take care

Sue :hugs:

11-10-09, 08:54
Thank you both. your kind answers made me cry of relief and joy. Joy over that Im not alone. That you take your time to answer me in such a great way. That brings tears to my eyes. Tears of relief and joy. Thank you ever so much. I'll keep your words with me. :) Thank you.

11-10-09, 09:27
come on run run it out like you did before ,,dont let it beat you ,,thats what your mnd wants ,,dont give it room turn those tears to laughter ,,xxx:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

11-10-09, 18:13
your most definatly not alone, we've all been there and it shows how strong your character is that you keep getting back up and moving on each time. I agree with gypsywoman get back out there and folow the advice on the quote at the end of your post- muse have the answer :) x

11-10-09, 19:07
You can and will do it again - just close the page on yesterday/today and tomorrow is a fresh start.....

A little hug from me to you

to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


12-10-09, 23:08
Im trying, real hard. I contacted my contact person now that therapy is done with I have these "support" talks evert week. Im going there tomorrow. Usually I go there on Fridays but I told em I need to come in fast. Talking to someone that understands and knows my anxiety may help me on the right track. But right now I feel like the panic anxiety is real close. Mental stress levels are high. Hope for tomorrow. But I hate the nights.

13-10-09, 23:08
Im so sorry your having such a hard time. A few months ago I was exactly where you are.. I was so consumed by anxiety it was ruining me. But now that I've gotten help again from my doctor and my family supporting me, I feel that Im on the track to getting to a good place.

You have gotten over this before... Try to distract yourself from it, give your mind a break. DO something you enjoy! Watch your favorite movie, or go for a walk. Just do anything to give yourself a moments break. I really hope things work out for you.. I want things to wok out for us all! We are all in this together. Not alone... Fighting this fight together. :) x

13-10-09, 23:15
Hi Johan ,How did you get on with your support talk today ?,at least you are getting support from someone who understands about your problems .Talking is always good ,especially if you feel comfortable with your councellor ..Has your stress been caused by the way you are now feeling or did something happen to make you anxious ie a specific problem ? The two come hand in hand either way ..Coping with stressful situations is always a trigger for my anxiety ,and I try to look at situations differently ,so now cope better .. Excercise seemed to be helping you ,it always helps to boost the feel good hormones and also helps you sleep better ...Nightimes are awful when you are suffering with anxiety and laying there just keeps your mind throwing up lots of unwanted thoughts .I used to get up ,and go down stairs for a while , read a few pages of a book or have a drink ,When you feel so bad its no good layIng there as you never get off to sleep .Try counting backwards from 300 ,it takes a lot of concentration and used to help me get off to sleep . I do believe after a while ,we expect to be bad every evening ,and thinking that makes us bad .A change of thinking and routine is sometimes necessary to change this ..Hope tommorow is a better day for you ,nothing lasts for ever and you will get through this bad spell ,believe that .Take care Hugs Sue x:hugs:

29-06-10, 09:32
Alot has happend since I posted this. More diagnoses and other kind of therapy will start this fall.
I have the disorder called Borderline/emotional instable personality disorder.
And along with that all the classic anxiety diagnoses