View Full Version : Results for hotler monitor and echocardiogram?

10-10-09, 18:54
I had an echocardiogram done about 1 month ago, but I never got any of the results. Should I hold off from exercise until I get the results? Doctor told me not to exercise but that was before the echo, she hasn't contacted me since. I tried emailing her, but apparently she is on vacation. I am really worried about my health, and want to play sports without having to worry about sudden death?

Also the ECHO Tech didn't instill much confidence into me, because she was having a conversation while doing my echo. She then asked me why I was there, and I told it her it was because my general doctor had found a heart murmur, she went on to tell me I didn't have anything, and said I am good to go. I assumed that was it. I continued on playing sports, and still felt a bit dizzy and felt short of breath while playing, but I brushed it off as anxiety, and then it hit me, I have never gotten the results for either the holter monitor or the echo? I just don't know what to do now. Dam doctors are never clear with me. One tells me I have a murmur the other tells me I don't. They left me without closure.

11-10-09, 22:13
The hospital should send the results to your GP.
It normally takes around 2 weeks.
Have you asked your GP for the results? Even the GP receptionist should be able to tell you if the results are on your file.
You are entitled to a copy yourself.
All the best,

11-10-09, 22:29
Phone the hospital about your results. This is a ridiculous amount of time to wait and is totally unacceptable. It doesn't matter if the person is on vacation, the results will be on the system for anyone in that department to look at. :mad: I work in a hospital and can assure you that this is the case. Hope your results are okay.

13-10-09, 04:35
Phone the hospital about your results. This is a ridiculous amount of time to wait and is totally unacceptable. It doesn't matter if the person is on vacation, the results will be on the system for anyone in that department to look at. :mad: I work in a hospital and can assure you that this is the case. Hope your results are okay.

I will try to phone in tomorrow to see if someone could give me the results. I was fine, until I discovered I had never got any closure on the results of my heart. Anxiety has returned to some extent, but I could keep it under control until I attain a copy of the results.

13-10-09, 09:40
Well surely if there was anything out of the blue you would have been told pretty much straight away so thy can deal with the problem.