View Full Version : slight shaking

10-10-09, 19:29
hi im new to this website and ive read up on a few things before and it seems like the right place to me. Im at my doctors at least twice a month in fact i went only just yesterday and yet again everything seems to be fine. Im only 16 and my mum and dad always tell me that im fine nothing is wrong and if they ever thought there was they would take me to the doctors and everytime they're right, buti still cant seem to make this fear of illness and death go away! I am trying to get help and i think im going to get CBT which the doctor and my psychology teacher has recomneded me. I am currently sittinng at my boyfriends wanting to have a good time but it feels like i can't because im worried abouth this slight shaking. Isnt really bad but is this a symptom of anxiety? PLEASE helpp me, feels like my hans and arms are shaking only slightly and i feel a tad weird :( i just want to be normal :\

10-10-09, 20:08
Sorry that you are suffering Emma. It does sound very much like anxiety. It is actually very rare that doctors get it wrong if that helps. The CBT sounds like a good idea. One of the things it teaches is distraction, so really try to occupy yourself with something else as much as possible, the symptoms should lessen, and you might even have as good time! All the best, Andy.

10-10-09, 20:38
you are s young to have anxiety ,,it must b hard .yo will get lots of help on here ,,the shaking is from anxiety,,try to be calm and relaxhttp://<br><a href=

10-10-09, 21:10
It sounds like you've got a lot of worries on your shoulders at the moment and the shaking sounds definetly like your anxious. Good luck with the CBT, its great your getting help. I get slightly shaking sometimes but I think that's due to my asthma medication. I remember a few years ago I'd feel shaky when I was anxious, but don't worry about it too much, it's a symtom of your anxiety and won't affect your health :)

10-10-09, 22:04

Yes you are so young to feel like this but you can get over it with the right understanding and treatment. :yesyes:

Myra x

11-10-09, 18:39
Thanks guys :) it is that im really young i no and i do hate it! I tend to have good days abd bad days really, the shaking really isnt that bad like iv asked people and thyv sed its not nothin more than normal!