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01-11-05, 20:26
hi guys

Thought I would tell you all how it went today as it was my first time.

When I arrived at the charity counselling centre I nearly ran out but I thought dont let the looks of the place ruin it. I didnt realise that its a drop in centre aswell, so as i walked in i was faced with a room full of people smoking and some dirty looking people. There was no receptionist just a woman to greet you and not that nicely either. I was sent to another room on the top floor and was told to wait. Then was a big shock a small 4 ft man with deformaties came to me and introduced himself (dont take this the wrong way the deformities didnt bother me but he just wasnt what i expected). I must admit by now i was scared and wanted to forget it but some how kept going. I followed the little man named tony into his room, which was very small with 2 chairs in.

Once in the room and seated my mind relaxed and I talked for the whole hour with tony listening, I was surprised at myself about how open I was being and how relaxed I started to feel.

At the end of the hour I realised that tony will be able to help me and i already felt some what better as he had listened to me without thinking she's mad etc.

Despite the place being the pits i do feel that counselling will help me and i am going to continue it for the 12 week period. I am glad now that I didnt run out. Kazo

01-11-05, 20:33
Well done for staying and making the most of it and beiung open enough to realize it can help

Good luck


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-11-05, 21:18

First looks can be deceptive eh? Sounds like you are going to get on great with him so I wish you all the luck.

Well done on staying and talking things through. You are well on the way to some help and recovery.


01-11-05, 21:22
Hi Kazo,

That sounds great! As long as the person who you are working with is good then it really doesn't matter what the surrounding are like!

I'd do therapy in a skip if i thought it was helping!!


First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

01-11-05, 21:25
Hi Kazo,

Well done for staying! I am sure it will help, especially since you are getting on with him already. (as will the chocolate...:D lol)

Tammy x

01-11-05, 22:14
Well done for staying and seeing the session through.:D

I'm starting a group counselling session in about a week and I'm dreading it.....but I will go!:)

Jem xxx

02-11-05, 09:51
Well done for stayin Kazo.

When one of my daughters had her tummy button pierced I nearly walked out of the place because it was full of skinheads and really heavily tattoed people and I was scared.

I couldn't have been more wrong they were the lovliest bunch of people and showed me behind the scenes and how the equipment was all in prepacked sterilsed packs etc etc. I came home feeling thoroughly ashamed of myself - sometimes it is right to trust your first impressions but many times it pays to keep an open mind.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-11-05, 10:48
thanks for all your replys.

I have been going now for 4 weeks and it is true the place doesn't bother me anymore, I actually feel quite comfortable in the place now and have realised what a good place it is helping all the people in need for nothing, the only money they get is from donations and what they raise.

I really do feel that counselling is helping me a great deal. It is making me look at things in a different way which is helping me to cope with my guilt of my childhood and understand that I am trying to look at things in adult eyes and not in a childs eyes which is what I was. so I am now able to lift some of the guilt that I was feeling for things I felt I should have done.


Kazo xxx

24-11-05, 12:34
That's great Kazo and anything you think is worth passing on then please do.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-11-05, 13:41

Well done. This is all really positive news and you are clearly benefitting from it too.



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?