View Full Version : By myself (apart from the kids)

01-11-05, 21:28
Hi guys

I wasn't sure where to put this and I apologise if it's in the wrong forum...

My husband is away on business tonight. *small scream*:(

An empty bed. No one to talk to face to face. And the knowledge I will have to get the kids on the bus by myself tomorrow morning.

I'm not really anxious or panicky. Just a little apprehensive. I've already used my new Rescue Remedy when I started to feel worried. I've rented a DVD to watch by myself. I should be fine. But that horrible insomnia is always waiting just round the corner...

Think of me...

At least I won't be jealous of him being fast alseep <s>when</s> if I'm awake tonight!

01-11-05, 21:43
It doesn't matter where you post it Dusty - we still find it so no worries.

ok pretend that you are having a girlie night in on your own.

Make the most of it - get the pyjamas on, settle down with a drink and the DVD and keep telling yourself that you are fine on your own and who needs men lol!!

I am sure you will be fine and it is only one night. Spread out in the bed and make the most of it.

Thinking of you but bet you are watching that DVD now anyway.

Good luck tomorrow with the kids!


01-11-05, 22:10
Hi Dusty:D

Well, I've got to sleep with my husband tonight snoring in my ear....oh, to have the bed to myself once in a while!!!!

My boys are going back to school tomorrow after the half term and I know what you mean about the morning. I'll send you positive vibes if you send them to me!

Jem xxx

01-11-05, 23:19
Postive vibes sent right back Jem!

The flick was great - a real girly movie. "10 things I hate about you." Very recommended if you like american teenage comedy romances!

Feeling quite relaxed now. Working hard on staying that way.

Night all!


PS Suddenyl inspired to read "Taming of the Shrew"!

02-11-05, 09:44
Hi Dusty
Just wondering how your girlie night went?
Hope you stayed calm and had a relaxing night
Hunny x

02-11-05, 10:15
Hi Dusty

Hope you managed to get some sleep and coped fine with the children this morning.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

02-11-05, 11:10
Hi Dusty

How are you feeling today?
Hope you were ok last night.

Take care

Elaine x

02-11-05, 15:21
Hi all!

I had a good night after all and the kids were fine this evening. My son even bothered to clean his teeth. (I don't know who was more shocked - me or the teeth!)[Wow!]

I slept for most of the night. Awake a bit but, more importantly, I was relaxed and didn't worry.:)

And, Hunny, my girly night was great. I recommend if you have to have a night to yourself, and like me you're not over keen on it, get a movie YOU want to see, but have put it off because no-one else would watch it with you!

Thanks for all your support guys! For the first time when I was on my own I felt like I had real support!

Thanks again

Love Dusty. xxx

02-11-05, 17:23
Hi Dusty,

Thats really good how well you managed to cope[Yeah!]:). I think that you did great! Think your right about the film thing, there are sooo many I haven't seen cause my man has them down as 'boring'! or 'too girly'!lol.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"