View Full Version : When will I learn?!

11-10-09, 09:22
Hey all

Well I am an anxiety sufferer, and avoid white wine like the plague, and caffeine as both make me worse, and white wine makes my heart race, or have palps.

Anyway, hubby took me out for dinner, I had some white wine, and an irish coffee, big mistake!
Woke up about 4am, needed the loo, heart racing. But I was having ectopics which i could feel in my throat :-( Not loads but enough to make my heart race through sheer anxiety, then my tummy started playing up due to the anxiety!
Have had numerous ECGs, all OK, I just have a fast heart rate sometimes, and the odd ectopic, and have learnt my triggers, so why oh why did I not learn! I think I almost expected it due to drinking white wine!

I guess I am posting as am cross with myself for putting myself through this. I am now a bit of a nervous wreck today, and then see Stephen Gately has died and am cacking myself that its a heart issue!

AGGHHHH, someone talk some sense into me!

Hope your all OK!


11-10-09, 12:03
same here tea coffe and to much drink before bed time..i wake up between 4 and 5 heart racing,and i think i dont breath after falling asleep which makes me wake gasping for a breath..no more drinking tea coffe and alcohol for me..

11-10-09, 17:22
Hi Emira,

I have had 5 ecgs done after suffering from palpatations from what i am sure is anxiety.

I suffered from a heartbreaking situation at the start of the year and it took a few months for me to actually accept what had happened and i started to suffer from pins and needles, cold legs, heavy chest with chest pain, sore neck and back, all of my muscles felt really heavy and tired and i was always tired and felt like i wasn't sleeping but i was.

If we are sitting worrying that there is somthing wrong with our heart and we feel our heart beating more than it should be or slower than it should be then we begin to anaylse it so much that we believe something must be wrong when in actual fact it isn't as i would of showed up in the ecgs and they would have spotted it before now. It is amazing how we actually convince oursefs that something is wrong and handfulls of people who are professional doctors haven't noticed this - i don't think we just don't realise how powerful the mind is and how easy we can convince ourself we keep telling ourselves everyday somthing is wrong. Stop, listen and reason with yourself, life is for living and not for worrying. Stop trying to anaylse every little health niggle and worrything about things.

I hope this helps, i saw what had happened to Stephen Gately on hotmail today and i thought oh my god - is it his heart - i told myself STOP no-one knows what happened so don't assume just to worry yourself unessarily just don't think about it and stop reading the newspapers thats what i did and it really has helped.