View Full Version : Good Day then Bad Day

11-10-09, 11:40
Hi All,

Had a great day yesterday, felt really good then woke up this morning and anxiety levels are high. I don't understand, been on Citrolpalm for 4 1/2 weeks. Just feel as though my heart will stop at any minute and can't seem to shake this feeling off. Tried keeping busy but it just creeps back into my mind.

It's getting to the point where i just cant go on

11-10-09, 12:00
YES you can go on because you are so much stronger than that please dont give up hope, do what i do when i feel anxious and sad go outside and look up to the sky and thank god your alive i dont know what your situation is but im sure you have friends and family that love you very much.
You can get through this and come out the other side im sure we all can all you need is hope that you will get better and it will make you a little stronger everyday.
Take a deep breathe and focus your attention on something else read a good book, listen to some calming songs or ring someone please dont give in to this stupid anxiety, you are a lot better than that.
Hannah x

11-10-09, 12:06
Thanks Hannah, I do try and think positive, it just seems 1 step forward and 3 steps back. Really thought yesterday that i was overcoming this but today just went back to how it has been. Feel ok now, just sooooo draining and although i need to do stuff just feel like vegging on the sofa.

RIGHT !!! i'm making a stand this is not getting the better of me, im letting it do what its gotta do and then i'm doing things that need doing.


11-10-09, 12:21
Yay you go for it we cannot let this stop us from living our lives i know what you mean it is hard to think positive all the time but it will get us all if we dont and we are all so much better than this thing.
Get up go out and do all the stuff that needs doing and that will show it for sure good luck.
Hannah x x :yesyes:

11-10-09, 13:19
The fact you are having a good day is great news, look as it as a positive. I've read before as you get better you start to get a gud moment , then a few good ones, then the odd good day, then a few and so - so you are getting better. I'm still at the few good moments at the mo and would love a full day feeling OK. I get to a pint each night where I think I may have beat it only to wake the next morn with anxiety. Im trying to see any good moment as a positive benefit and trying not to worry about the anxiety coming back. When I first had my good moment I was gutted to wake back to anxiety - it really threw me, I thought maybe the meds had done all they can and I wasn't going to get better. Stick in there Im sure it will come good for you :)