View Full Version : psychiatric hospital

11-10-09, 13:14
Well, the panic finally got the best of me and i ended up in a psych hospital:weep: I just got out and the weird thing is i was better in there but now i'm going down hill again. I was so nauseous for over a month but when i got in the hosp i started eating again and wasn't nauseous but i got out and now i am. This is So frustrating! i now feel i'm doomed to go back but i don't want to cuz it was SO hard on my 5yr old:weep: I don't know what to do:weep::weep::weep:

11-10-09, 13:24
Try not to worry - I know that's easier said than done but you're probably feeling a bit vulnerable at the moment having just come out of hospital. The docs must think you are getting better so try not to panic and try and eat little and often. Your 5 yr old must be so pleased to have you home and hopefully that will keep you a bit more positive. I know this probably isn't much help but wanted to reply to your post because I know when you feel desperate you just want to know someone is thinking of you and it's horrible if you see that people have viewed and no-one has replied.

Good luck. I'm sure there'll be lots more support from other people on here too.

:hugs: Daisy xx

11-10-09, 13:26
The fact you are out has got to be positive, you may be feeling it getting worse because of the change of situation. How long was you in? How come you ended up in (I know you said panic)

11-10-09, 16:12

Just try to take each day at a time. The fact they let you home means they must have thought you were better. Take heart in this. If you really don't feel too good then speak to your doctor again and don't struggle on yourself. You deserve more help if you need it.
Take care

Tangerine Man
11-10-09, 16:34
Just take one day at a time or if that is too great then one moring, one afternoon, one evening and one night at a time. If the Drs have let you go home than they must be pleased with your situation so take hewart from that a try to build on it day by day. Good luck:hugs:

11-10-09, 16:35
Maybe you could have a nurse to visit you at home..this is what I had. She would come and see me once a week to talk to me...that might be good for you and make you feel stronger in yourself. good luck x