View Full Version : Is this normal?

11-10-09, 13:24
Hi guys just a short one.
When i get anxious i get some strange symptoms and was just wondering if anyone else gets them.

1. The feeling that whatever your standing/lieing/sitting on is moving but it actually isn't.

2. The feeling that your tongue is huge and this in turns makes you breathe harder to make sure air gets through.

3. Lastly the feeling that your falling away but then jolt back to normality.

Any responses would be really appreciated guys.
Thanks :)

11-10-09, 16:15
Hi Jimbo,

We all suffer a huge variety of symptoms - it's amazing what your body conjures up when you are anxious!! Try to accept that it is anxiety, try and relax and don't worry about the symptoms and they will come to mean less and less. About the tongue thing - you will ALWAYS get enough breath. You'll get lots of advice and support from this site.
Take care

Tangerine Man
11-10-09, 16:32
Myra is right it ia amazing how the body seeks to fool you when you are anxious. When suffering these symptoms I have found breathing exercises help reduce your heart rate, lower your rate of breathing and thus your anxiety with no side effects. Worth a try.

11-10-09, 21:31
Hey Jimbo, I can relate to your symptoms, I also sometimes get the feeling my body is shrinking as I walk, very strange. But just keep telling yourself it's your anxiety and try not to worry.
