View Full Version : Persistent feelings of embarrassment with no cause

11-10-09, 15:23
I'm diagnosed with bipolar disorder and don't know if this is to do with that or if it's anxiety but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it on bipolar forums so I wondered if anyone would share my feelings here.

Every now and then I get really embarrassed for no reason at all. It lasts about a week, then goes away, then comes back again at random. I'll be watching a TV programme or reading an article or I'll just be in the middle of a conversation and I'll get a sudden pang of humiliation. It feels like I've been reminded of something embarrassing by something that's been said in the TV programme/book/conversation but I can never think of anything that it's reminded me of. It just seems random. I end up looking through memories, trying to think of something embarrassing I've done because I'm sure I must have a reason to feel humiliated. I'l find something and focus on that but it's never actually related to the moment that I felt embarrassment so I think I'm just looking for an excuse to feel embarrassed so that it doesn't seem so arbitrary.

It's like a phantom feeling. I can't get it away by consoling myself about the situation because I have no idea what the situation was. It's just a strong feeling of humiliation for no reason. It really bothers me. Does anybody else get this or know why it might be happening?

Many thanks

11-10-09, 16:03

The only thing I can compare it with is that it sounds a bit like o.c.d. Repeated thoughts, feelings, etc. when anxious. The more you are scared of it the more it happens as it depends on your dislike of it. Acceptance and trying to relax helps you through it. When you accept it and no longer fear it it gradually stops happening as much because you are not so afraid. This is what it sounds like to me (?). Try the above and see if it helps. I hope so :hugs:
